Speculations How is the number 4 going to surpass Jinbei's bounty?

We are at the end of the story and the Strawhats bounties are currently ranked by strength(Usopp being the exception) so how is the number 4 of the crew going to surpass Jinbei? The number 4 is not fighting some unknown top tier created just for him, he's not fighting an Admiral without the 3 strongest Strawhats also fighting one, did Oda create a problem or did he set the record straight? :bamathink:
We are at the end of the story and the Strawhats bounties are currently ranked by strength(Usopp being the exception) so how is the number 4 of the crew going to surpass Jinbei? The number 4 is not fighting some unknown top tier created just for him, he's not fighting an Admiral without the 3 strongest Strawhats also fighting one, did Oda create a problem or did he set the record straight? :bamathink:
next troll move, Cock gona surpass the fish just to be again number 4 due to Lamato new entry:suresure::kuzanshut:
We are at the end of the story and the Strawhats bounties are currently ranked by strength(Usopp being the exception) so how is the number 4 of the crew going to surpass Jinbei? The number 4 is not fighting some unknown top tier created just for him, he's not fighting an Admiral without the 3 strongest Strawhats also fighting one, did Oda create a problem or did he set the record straight? :bamathink:
Lol to think jinbe is stronger than sanji is just hating in my book jinbe is old it looks bad on him if you ask me and jinbe we all know the wg is suppressing the straw hat bounties mainly luffy ,zoro and sanji , jinbe only hit to a billion because his pass status etc not by feats on wano because if it was only base on wano feat den he would have got the same as frank brook Nami and long nose, even Robin bounty is base on knowledge mostly
We are at the end of the story and the Strawhats bounties are currently ranked by strength(Usopp being the exception) so how is the number 4 of the crew going to surpass Jinbei? The number 4 is not fighting some unknown top tier created just for him, he's not fighting an Admiral without the 3 strongest Strawhats also fighting one, did Oda create a problem or did he set the record straight? :bamathink:
There’s no problem here….. Sanji has been 4th in bounty since 2006.
lol jinbe is way stronger than sanji!! what "fits" does sanji have? beating a gag character? before that he could not phase doffy or even handle doffy's subordinate vergo. The "fits" sanji had in an arc which was suppose to be "year of sanji" was cooking a cake.

I am not hating on sanji by the way,he is one of the monster trio cause he has monstrous strenght before even awakening the gift his siblings have. Current sanjii will give katakuri more of a challenge than ichiji and niji can in the cover pages. Apart from queen i am sure current sanji can defeat strong commanders like cracker on his own. I wish he fought a sweet commander in the WC arc.

But fools that say jinbe has no fits are funny. The man that knocked out a yonko off a boat when G4 luffy couldn't even phase the same yonko? The man that stoped akainus strongest admiral's attack post time skip?
"meeEH hIs boUntTy is hiGHer caUse He wUz a foRmer WL" well duhhhhhhh you have to be strong in the first place to be a warlord. Doffy was such a threat that an admiral would be sent to catch him if he turned rouge.

We have seen sanji and luffy's full potential we have not seen zoro OR JINBE taken to the limit of their strenght.

who's who was a candidate to become a YC and even then it didn't take much for jinbe to defeat him. who's who was clearly outmatched.

Now imagine jinbe in the sea where fisherman get even stronger vs an enemy fleet?