@Kurozumi Seven7 @TheAncientCenturion @Playa4321
what was your original reaction to Naruto chapter 678?
Me, @Sentinel and few other german user here been in a german forum and these been the reaction for the chapter, I didnΒ΄t write anything back then but I was mad angry, here few lines from Sentinel when he read that one in the past(my reaction was the same):
So stupid, just sooo ridiculously stupid! Sry, but this just pisses me off!! Now how can Kishimoto conjure up an even stronger villain from behind when he didn't even know how to defeat the Madara? Madara was already very strong, but Kaguya should be even stronger than him AND the Juubi?! He wants to screw us, maybe he wants to TOTALly screw us! How much longer does he want to drag this shitty manga out? Naruto needs an ending, that's enough. He's already ridiculed the manga enough, so he doesn't have to top it with son' "Alien" fuss...

How can the hardcore fans of Kishimoto endure that, I wonder that too... anyway, I'm really disappointed with this finale - thanks Kishimoto for ruining the manga for me.
We literally been so mad about the chapter back then xD.
To add, I and Sentinel been huge Madara fans back then, we both been almost in line to quit the manga because of that shit, you remember Sentinel? xD
These are goated. When I worked for a charity shop, we had a pizza hut express next door and constantly brought pizza at that price and thus often due to it.

We only got the pizza amd drink though, not that mac and cheese or whatever next to it too? That's amazing especially for UK prices too!

Assuming that is Pizza Hut there too ofc lol.
I'm ordering a lot of food lately since I'm working 14-15h shifts on a regular basis and can't cook anything due to it, but I wished we had stuff this cheap here lol.
Not like Rishi is better.

If Rishi legit become PM, the whites as endangered species propaganda will spread like wildfire as UK is a Major white country and on top of him being corrupt as fuck
No one said Rishi is better. They are all in this theft and corruption together, the labour, conservatives, etc. They only compete to steal into their own pockets for a couple of years before they fuck off to their private islands and what not.