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So I guess we can safely conclude Hancock > Mihawk now? Since she and Ryokugyu apparently both neg diffed two top commanders while Mihawk begged Vista for mercy and declared a guy who lost to Gear-less Luffy to be his equal.

Mihawk shit tier Warlord confirmed? Weevil > Doffy > Croc ~ Mihawk ~ Vista?
Yeah yeah admiraltards down in the mud

Green Bull didn't actually take care of two commanders
He picked near dead scraps of two
Even Vista can do it

And notice how out of all the warlords Mihawk got double the bounty of one confirmed to pull of admiral level feats

Just two chapter after Mihawks inferior made Green Bull his bitch and made him shake in fear

You should be arguing whether or not Mihawk can beat two admirals at the same time or not.

Notice how Marco used admirals as soccer balls and then Zoro low diffed someone stronger than Marco?

Nah. The Marines specifically do what their superiors told them. They won't suddenly make such a complex change of plans, saying that they have to protect Hancock's power from Blackbeard.
The plan was to capture her. Not kill her. Why would they allow someone to capture her instead knowing that boa and bb are pirates?
RHM Rayleigh: Relevant
3rd in command Scopper: No Where to be Seen

RHM King: Gov't used his blood to create new pacifistas
3rd in command and scientist Queen: Irrelevant and Govt gives 0 shits about tech

ODA showing how much more relevant RHMs are to 3rd in command hehehehehe
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