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Can like Oda actually focus on the actual story of One Piece which is pirates attempting to find the One Piece? Why is Oda wasting our time with Blackbeard attacking Amazon Lily? Shouldn't BB actually make an effort in trying to find the One Piece? We don't need Koby getting captured. We need Oda to focus on the actual story and stop diverging away from the actual plot.
Be for real
Damn if Rayleigh somehow made current Blackbeard back off, that would be some insane hype

With that said, I think it might depend on the context. Like, did Blackbeard get what he wanted? (Hancock's fruit)

Because if he did, I could see him saying he already got what he wanted anyway
I don't think Oda would have Boa take such a big L, losing her DF and weakening her after just giving her hype.
Can explain Redhawk. But that would mean he's not Garp's son, and Garp called Luffy son of my child so it's a bit suspicious.
Could explain why Luffy was resiliant to poison.
I doubt that Oda ever thought about Lunarian and Luffy being in ID. He wasn‘t resiliant to poison it nearly killed him. Just a matter of „will aka plot „armor“

I really don‘t think Dragon is a lunarian

Gorosei Informer

We should have 2 more chapters before the next painful Oda break but no WSJ breaks till December too.
Doffy's portrayal in MF, PH and DR wasn't just for fun. He gets trashed on by losing to Bound Man but this was basically the debut of Gear Fourth - and it still means little since Doffy got mortally wounded by another Warlord whose DF is broken af. But, Hancock has a significantly lower bounty than Crocodile, while Buggy even took the whole fame, which shows yet again how strong Oda views Crocoboy.
Yeah. I mean a difference of 300 Million isn't that big if you are already in the billion range (like Queen having 300M more than Katakuri). Crocodile is part of an organisation that goes for the marines themselves and receives funding. Though yes, 1,9 is huge given he is just considered an associate and not the leader.

I think if Doffy came out, he would receive a bounty of around 2B. Maybe 2.1B. He was introduced as the Shichibukai with the highest bounty out of all the original Shichibukai bar Mihawk, whose original bounty was not displayed. Used a YC3 as a chair, broke out of Aokiji's ice and quite frankly wasn't bothered in the first place, attacked Fujitora and was confident being able to get rid of him.

So I too think people underestimate just how devastating Gamma Knife was, ripping Doffy's organs to shreds and having them further fried by Counter Shock. He was even seen later adjusting his organs again after Leo Bazooka.
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