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It would be, but anyone below those 3 is not something that puts it at YC1 level or above.
So beating the guy who Dressrosa Sabo low-diff'd. And the guy who's only good at long range, and would be neg-diff'd by Hancock is a good feat for Hancock??

What are you smoking?
just because you come up with a big military invention doesn’t mean you can’t come up with a new improved model of another weapon in the same time
The original Pacifista were highlighted a lot pre TS, with even Whitebeard referring to them as this famous WG weapon. And now we are introduced with a new, superior weapon.

Note that "SSG" is not the name of the weapon actually, it's just the research unit that is called such. @Extravlad


You cant hype Hancock for petrifying commanders tbh.
Perona did not solo zoro sanji and franky even though her ability worked on them
People used to put Boa at the bottom of the Shichibukai lists due to her low frozen bounty.

Same thing with Black Maria before the bounties were revealed.

People here complain about Oda, but they are always fast on those "underestimate the group's woman" triggers.
With the recent warlords wank, Hancock was always going to be YC2 bare minimum IMO


Talent is something you make bloom.
I mean it's still a nice feat. Busted DF are part of one skillset.
Although we don't really know where Catarina Devon and Vasco Shot stand in Blackbeard pirates in term of power. Reminder that some of them will be weakling trio and brook opponents
But it's not about "power". It's an ability based on "horny".
It's like thinking Tama is stronger than a Gifter just because her ability can tame one.
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