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Its buggy so it isn't surprising

Unlike buggy it isn't like their bounties are based on misinformation or confusion from what we know
its base of lack of information they don't know most of thing they did and its not new most of pre ts was the same they either didn't give them credit for what they did or didn't know what they did


Hancock's bounty too low. WTF Oda?

What Teach wants with Hancock? I had that idea of him wanting her to be his wife since Bonney said no to him but it seems he wants another thing? Or the power he wants is her DF? Maybe he try to recruit her and if she denies he will kill and grab her DF power to his trope.

What is the reason for BB new bounty? What he did? It seems he did nothing since timeskip started. Stealing invisible DF and attacking Moriah granted him that almost 4bi bounty? Nonsense.

Why Rayleigh showed up? Is he a pervert that keeps going to Amazon Lily for women? Or does he have worldwide CoO and knew things were about to happen there?
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