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Yeah but when you pair her with characters who are immune, just like Smoker was, it is a useless ability.
Smoker wasn't immune, I don't recall her ever using it on Smoker, other than just turning Smoker's jitte into stone. Then she processed to kick bunch of pirates and marines turning them into stone everytime she touched em.

Doflamingo's strings? Can't do shit to her, they get turned into stone when she touches them.
Jozu's diamond? gets turned into stone against her in CQC
Want to counter her? Gotta have your CoA on at all times in order to avoid that.

Want to avoid her lust attack, gotta handicap yourself (like Momonga did) before fighting her. Like we don't know which way she turned Devon and Vasco into stone, if it's the other way, then it's understandble, they might've been caught off-guard with not knowing the DF's abilities properly, it doesn't really mean much then.
The weakest SHP would easily be Jack level or above.
Won't even surprise me if Nami is above Katakuri EoS
Usopp will more than likely have better CoO than Katakuri
EoS =/=endgame battles. That will only ever happen if Nami unlocks ACoC or Zeus regains back his peak powers. Usopp's goal is Yasopp so if Yasopp does have FS then yes he will. All this is also dependent on whether Kat comes back with powercreep power-up.
Well those 2 are the only ones who have explicitly been shown to be trained by him.
Also he states that he's being trained by Garp, so I ain't accepting that Bogard shennanigans, just cuz he was doing some swordsmanship training with them one time. Bogard is a swordsman after all.

It's not really non-sense when we factually see Bogard being the one who trains him. Garp is the supervisor of course. But that's a big difference compared to Garp personally training Ace & Luffy by fighting em constantly.
You are right. That is why I wrote Garp perhaps where as Ray is a definitive no. We can only judge by the rumours at the moment but we also know that we need to take info with a pinch of salt.
There is no evidence that Rayleigh isn't just like there is no evidence that garp is. Rumors don't mean shit. Rumors say that buggy has mihawk and crocodile as subordinates so they hold no value
Hancock's ability might be useful in the sense it can turn weapons to stone, make defenses weaker by turning them to stone, and break them, objects and shit like that, but if a BBP gets it then forget it about turning any living being alive into stone, it aint gonna happen or rarely
He took the clear clear fruit from absolom without re-killing him. It should be obvious that he doesn't need to kill someone to take their devilfruit and he doesn't have to use it himself he can give it to someone else.
That's the thing haki will counter this. I really doubt they turned to stone by CQC because when she does that people lose part of their body, like their body is broken on contact.
Yea If that's not the case it's not really a combat feat, but we'll see bro. It's a whole chapter focused on Hancock, I'm sure there will be combat feats involved.

But this is only postive character development for Boa though, since I'm sure she's gonna be happy that she doesn't have the DF that the CD force fed her for their entertainment anymore.
There is no evidence that Rayleigh isn't just like there is no evidence that garp is. Rumors don't mean shit. Rumors say that buggy has mihawk and crocodile as subordinates so they hold no value
Garp almost killing Roger countless times isn't a rumor but something Roger said with his own mouth. From chapter 0 we know Garp was constantly on the pursuit and they were portrayed together on god valley.
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