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If for some bullshit reason he managed to steal her df while she's still alive (don't care how injured she is, we got fooled completely, Burgess had to kill Sabo or Luffy in order for the df stealing ritual to work), then either Laffitte of the 10th recruit will have it.
Hancock's ability might be useful in the sense it can turn weapons to stone, make defenses weaker by turning them to stone, and break them, obkects and shit like that, but if a BBP gets it then forget it about turning any living being alive into stone, it aint gonna happen or rarely
With Hancock's devotion to luffy bb is better off just from taking it away from her so she can't use it against him or his crew again.
Redon said some parts are fake, that could be a fake part.
I think it's the SHs part.
Hancock is probably alive or else don't see what Rayleigh even achieved. He basically gave free info for nothing.
And the part where they exchanged the prisoners seems fake with BB since he was about to kill Hancock. Maybe HIm going to kill Hancock is also fake. They might just be fighting but then stopped because Rayliegh had a talk with BB.
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