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Roger is a nice guy what would spanking mentally deranged woman acomplish, we would have lower opinion off him. Im not saying he is sanji lvl simp, but i think out of respect Roger would steal something from BM than beat her.
And even that isnt valid lmao.
As I said earlier, unless they fight Zoro/Sanji/Jinbe they aren't Commander tier and they need not be Commander tier to give tough fights to the rest of the SHs lol.
Are we reading different manga? This is One Piece not Boruto filler, if BBP are going to fight SH then yes they will be stronger than previous ones they fought. That is 100% guaranteed. If mid-trio fight them then they will stronger than F6/veteran levels. Same goes for BB top Commanders.

Who's downplaying Hancock lmfao? I've ALWAYS had Hancock & every Warlord being atleast relative to Commanders and Ive always maintained that they would dispose Veterans with ease as shown multiple times in the story (Atmos, 2 VAs, Smoker vs Doffy etc,). What Hancock did this chapter is nothing out of the ordinary and is expected for any Shichibukai.

Claiming BBPs Vets who Hancock beat are equivalent to Jack/Cracker/Vista to wank Hancock is down right insanity when we've seen next to nothing from them so far which puts them up there lmao. That's not me downplaying Hancock, that's just you being retarded.
She negged “Legendary” Pirates of Impel Down handpicked by BB himself, who gained even stronger post-TS even acquiring Mythical Zoan fruits and shit. You need to stop these bad takes if you think the likes of veteran-level fighters could even be considered “legendary” at all LMAO.

Hancock, without Yonko crew influence, on her own merit, is worth 1.6 bil berries compared to YC1s who didn’t break past 1.5 bil even with influence of being under Yonko wing. She’s clearly above any YCs encountered so far at least with Mero Mero. Even Law and Luffy’s combined bounty from beating Doffy barely broke 1 bil :doffytroll:
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