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Good point but the summaries make that point unclear. That said, Teach was quaking (no pun intended) in his boots when Rayleigh showed up.
Man went "Da da da Da da Dark King, don't cut my ass in half please"

Man got flash backs to when Rayleigh smacked his ass back in Roger/Whitebeard days.
If Blackbeard alone could defeat Rayleigh, entire Yonko crew won't run away.

They ran away because even the entire crew would have trouble with Rayleigh alone.
For fuck sakes Blackbeard's commanders were shitting their pants.

Same commanders had no fear of Whiteberad when they were weak as fuck.
The only thing is that would mean that they probably knew she was being kept a slave. Either way, Ray is a deadbeat dad haha
Ray actively wants to disrupt the slave auction. Shakky keeps an eye on the lawless zone. Are they trying to bring down the slave trade in revenge for what happened to Hancock???
Maybe. I like the idea of Ray trying to be a cool dad but unable to be in amazon lily because of their stupid laws.
The contrast with the other fathers in this series (specially in shanks crew) would be amazing.
TB in base is his fastest move? Snakeman got blitzed by roaring TB

who the fuck was she aiming at? Kid was there in point blank range. You also missed the part where he not only dodged, he tagged her and a wall in matter of seconds before she could react. This is how good her reaction speed is

She's able to quickly grab a speedster like Marco off guard.

lol I've been bullying you this entire time, if you want to take the L just say it

Base Luffy btw. Big Mom is slow. Be glad Kidd fought the slowest yonko so Kidd could hit her. If your argument is she kept up with Kaido who did not use Thunder Bagua (his fastest move), Big Mom could have used her homies to distract Kaido so Big Mom can fill the speed gap issue.
But his crew was tiurned to stone and he specifically pointed out blackbeard alone

My guess is blackbeard ran away because he was afraid and thought Rayleigh could actually mop him

Rayleigh admits he couldnt and even says they had luck on their side since both the marines and bb pirates left
Actually looks like she only turned two fodder commanders into stone.
There were still other commanders and Coby freaking out
Blackbeard's such a fucking retard. You have her in a strangle hold.. hold her over the sea and threaten her to release your crew or she sinks like a brick. Or just hold most of her body in the water and when she's drowned take her out and get her DF. So easy, but Teech is a lard eating window licker as usual..
Only way to hype Katakuri back up after this either the intruders exist and they strong he go toe to toe or he catch up to the germa he pull off something with mochi that he can ride in the seas like pero also if he can pull off a long range attack that go past a island :quest:
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