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Blackbeard + Crew ran from 79 year old Rayleigh. Ray gave him an order and he obeyed.

Kizaru fought 77 year old Rayleigh to a standstill.

Prime Ray ~ Admirals >~ Teach ~ Shanks > Rocks bums
Blackbeard: Kaido can't be defeated
Rayleigh: I can't defeat Blackbeard
Kizaru: Please leave me Rayleigh



𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Yes and his DF helps him regain that wing back. So thats irrelevant. He also had 7 days to get a sword to protect himself with. Heck your telling me Udon didnt have one sword that he could protect himself with against GB.

Yes near full health when im talking about his body itself. Its not disingenious because Dragon Damnation was fully healed.

And what ? He either turned that shit off because hes idiot or GB covered it with his root. Again the flame not being their is his fault for being an idiot or too weak.
But the manga doesn't show:
  • King acquiring a new sword
    • His original sword was a meitou
  • King regrowing his wings
  • King being fully healed
  • King's flame being active

You're claiming that he fully recovered, but the manga doesn't show that.

What the manga shows is that King was still crippled from Dragon Damnation.
For once be fair Ndule. Ray literally says it in the same breath he admitted inferiority. The reason being his old age. Meaning his prime he'd kick BB back to the NW
Try harder
Prime Ray is inferior to Yonko too.
That's why no Yonko hypes him , not even Oden.

Old Age didn't make WB to admit inferiority to shanks (who was still newly yonko)
Even Weakened Kaido still claimed "nobody can beat me"

It shows you that Primebeard, Kaido , BM, Teach > Prime Ray
Even Shanks / Oden > Prime Ray

Old Ray : low top tier /solid top tier slightly below admirals .
Old WB : high top tier who can beat admirals (mid top tiers( still
Weakened Kaido : can beat Mid top tier (adcoc g4 luffy)

Yami Teach , Base /no FS-drunk Kaido, Nerfed BM all have better feats than Old Ray.
They trashing warlords/YCs / no FS Luffy/ SNs

Old and Prime Ray has zero W btw
Can you read?

"I'm old now, so I wouldn't be able to defeat the current Blackbeard".

Rayleigh says "I", he's talking about himself, singular. Basic reading comprehension quiz: which word refers to you and at least one other person?

That's right, it's "we". So stay with me now; if Rayleigh was including Hancock in his statement, what would he have said?

Correct! He would've said "we". That wasn't so hard now was it?
Are you really a ZKKtard? :suresure::gokulaugh:

Do you seriously believe Hancock will do nothing?

Rayleigh was considering the situation, he says THEY WERE LUCKY.

Even with Hancock's help, he can't do shit to BB :steef:
Imagine posting this ''I'm'' due to being DESPERATE :milaugh:

Marine hunter with +12 years famous piracy (Mihawk), still lower than only 2 years famous piracy (BB) :suresure::milaugh:
Prime Rayleigh was always up there with other top tier pirates/marines and even in his old age he's a certified top tier - I would say he even defeats one of them in Big Meme.

It takes some high quality drugs to deny Rayleigh's portrayal of all people.
Just like ZKk ..other nonsense

Zoro fans don't know a thing about PL or OP story
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