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It's almost like there was a distance of entire island between them.

Proof it hurt GB? I see no such statement. And yeah, BB is shook and sweating a bunch (3 according to Eten), too.

And the difference is BB >> GB.

If his CoC was going to make BB scream like GB and collapse or something, or audibly say he's in pain, I think it'd be above Roger's even lol. BB isn't an Admiral.

And you keep ignoring the fact that Oda explicitly made Ray say that age is the only factor why he can't win.

Prime Ray > BB is practically a fact.

And which big guy did Oldbeard knock out and make feel pain with his CoC?
Prime Ray=Current BB.

EoS BB>>>>Prime Ray tho.


:suresure:so sneak attack?

You didn't prove how King can touch Kata
Let alone beat kata.

I didn't know King is so pathetic to rely on sneak attacks to stand a chance

Since when does King has Caesar AOe too? Lol
Since when does he have such gas powers?
he's the future sight god you can't sneak attack him, king is faster than caesar since caesar can do it king can hit kata as easily as stepping on a snail

Simple as Prime Garp been equally mentioned with Roger is already aboce Prime Rayleigh.
Garp fighting Roger way before Roger was even pirate king <<< old and Rusty Rayleigh bullying a yonko and making him run away

Garp is simply Rayleigh's hype man

I am gonna give you Garp swallowers on chance. Give Rayleigh his respect and acknowledge AT WORST Garp and Rayleigh are equals, that is the least for Rayleigh.

Whitebeard was said to be Roger's only equal, so no. And Rocks was said to be his greatest adversary.

Roger called Rayleigh his partner, and he's going he Dark King with concrete solo feats even in his old age.

Garp helping Roger defeat Rocks isn't that impressive when you consider that Coby helped Blackbeard defeat Wang Zhi (and was given ample credit by Blackbeard for his assistance). Are you claiming that Coby is on par with Blackbeard?

What solo accomplishments does Prime Garp have?
You're discrediting Garp's protrayal to prop up Rayleigh

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Jinbe nor public didn't know about SSG.
Kaido and Big Mom knew about SSG though, Kaido mentions that the SSG are the governments new weapon capable of stopping the Yonko.

Jinbe was only talking about Fuji and Aramaki replacing Akainu and Aokiji.
Jinbe was talking about the entire draft and the new Marine HQ. I don’t think he mentioned the two new Admirals at all.

How would Jinbe know about SSG and say they got stronger without them even being released? Teach literally this chapter shat his pants when he saw new SSG meaning they only know became public knowledge.
How would Kaido and Big Mom know about SSG if it weren’t public knowledge? And how would Kaido know that the Marines were confident that SSG could stop the Yonko? Kaido didn’t have WG spies as far as we know.

Whitebeard was said to be Roger's only equal, so no. And Rocks was said to be his greatest adversary.

Roger called Rayleigh his partner, and he's going he Dark King with concrete solo feats even in his old age.

Garp helping Roger defeat Rocks isn't that impressive when you consider that Coby helped Blackbeard defeat Wang Zhi (and was given ample credit by Blackbeard for his assistance). Are you claiming that Coby is on par with Blackbeard?

What solo accomplishments does Prime Garp have?
Kidd calls killer his partner and is still far stronger. Being a partner doesn’t make you nigh equals. Roger himself said he had countless death matches with Garp. Garp was highlighted as one of the two main forces that took out the rocks pirates with a Panel of him and Roger at the front. It’s not even comparable to the rocky Port situation.
he's the future sight god you can't sneak attack him, king is faster than caesar since caesar can do it king can hit kata as easily as stepping on a snail
RRS Niji blitzed pre exo Sanji. King and Queen combined cannot scratch Sanji meaning pre exoskeleton Sanji was able to keep up with King and Queen in speed. King is slower than RS Niji.

Akainu FS user cannot detect WB while he played with Marco and Vista once he focused his FS on them
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