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He can only cancel DF if he’s touching the person

we need to see how he caught her, if he caught while she was performing an attack and snuck around to get her shes definitely a threat. If he blitzed her then I’d concede
The description made it sound to me that he grabbed her neck from behind and lifted her to show her to the people.
So something more like this:

Than this:

If it's the latter, her forgetting to kick him is weird as fuck.
Warn me if next week is not a good chapter for Shanks:chirstsad:
:josad:Oda doesn't make Luffy's milestones look that bad :
Their bad feats or showings or portrayal will still excusable :

Enraged Oden can't break the Barrier which can't be broken ...Oden loses in cheapshot to kaido... Kaido still wanks Oden later on.
Kata couldn't react to chepashot gas and hallucinating now . Still shows Kata will beat them if not for cheapshots.
Shanks has lower skills than Mihawk but not weaker...still makes Mihawk run from marinee while shanks make an admiral run away.
@Erkan12 It's time you embrace Mihawk and Rayleigh hype. End the back and forth slander

Drop the agenda. Giving credit where it's due won't make your favorites any less powerful. BB will still be top 1 or 2 EoS :myman:
The only reason he and Ndule are salty about anyone connected to Zoro is cause they are Simpji fans though they don't want to admit that and rather openly be fans of people like BM & BB
You know I never believed in that garbage right?
Currently Luffy is ahead, Zoro was ahead before, overall they are equals.
But one thing I know all of Luffy's supposed "Rivals" turn out to be bitches compared to Zoro
Take smoker

I am telling you when Zoro gets his next power up they are back to being equals.
Look at Shanks and Mihawk, they are basically their destinations for this Era

Look at supposed final antagonist Blackbeard shitting pants against Raylegih

So few issues
a)Wrong translation
b)Exactly when did that happen, was Roger in his prime, was Garp? Crocodile nearly killed Luffy, Kaido did it too

Zoro and Luffy?
Fought equally
3 Data books
Their Feats
Both having advCoC

Currently Luffy high diffs tho

So we need to realize Whitebeard in Marine ford was straight up called "Pirate King's only equal/rival" in the war where Garp was present. What does that say of Garp? Not to mention Garp basically announcing Whitebeard as strongest man in the world. How can Garp announce Whitebeard as WSM if he's his equal?

I never saw Shanks doing it.
Again I can give Garp benefit of the doubt but not at the cost of Rayleigh lol

All 6 Old Gen Legends have great portrayal but Sengoku and Shiki just are lacking behind the most that's why VAST MAJORITY of fans don't even put them near Rayeigh.

Now between the big four Roger/Whitebeard are no brianers.
Between Garp and Rayleigh we just have to go by hype.
I am sorry but Rayleigh simply has better hype as of now. I am sorry but he does. Garp hasn't done a damn thing like driving away a Yonko by his mere presence.

I am still open to
Roger ~ Whitebeard ~ Rayleigh ~ Garp > Sengoku > Shiki
But when you say nonsense like Irrelevant Goku > Rayleigh you just tryna piss me off and force me to shit on Garp.

Umm once again almost killing is mistranslation
We don't know what Roger sees Garp as
He wanted Sengoku OR Garp as a fresh challenge

There is
Roger is rival of the Man Garp announced as strongest man in the world.
Garp has not once been called WSM.

But again I am open to Pirate King level Garp as long as you give Rayleigh same respect
Why you are so obsessed with 2nd ?
Roger~ xebec > primebeard >> ray that’s it
Luffy >>> zoro >~ sanji

zoro rival is sanji not wuffy

CoC: Color of Clowns

Minks Gone Wild, Unrated Furry Garchu Action
It's a massive deal
Blackbeard went from 2,247,600,000 Berry to 3,996,000,000 Berry on his Bounty. That's a huge increase. I wonder what "big catch" Blackbeard got.

Amazon Lilly is right next to Fishman Island...

Boa wasn't the main target. Boa was the cherry on top. Attacking Fishman Island for Shirahoshi is what raised his bounty, IMO.
If he ever met Mihawk he wouldn't be alive to have respect for Big Meme tbh

Stop bringing up the 2010 Vista arguments unless you think he's somehow well above King & Marco who current Zoro can neg, let alone Mihawk

Mihawk has no respect for Yonko Shanks strength too, he's more credible than Kaido in this instance as Warlords vary in strength unlike Shanks. So Kaido putting all warlords together even tho Mihawk who is above one of Kaido's top 5 means nothing to me
Cope with fanfictions

Luffy met Mihawk and dodged him many times
Luffu without fs or coo

Kaido wouldn't even struggle vs Mihawk, any Yonko upper-mid diff Mihawk
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