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How strong is Chibi Mihawk? So far, it's stats seem quite extraordinary.
  • Beyond High Tier offence
    • It's sword slash split an island in two
    • Rayleigh was surprised at the damage it caused
  • Peak High Tier defence
    • It took zero damage despite clashing with (and taking a named attack from) a serious Yonkou
  • The Marines believe that it can replace Mihawk
    • They recognise Mihawk as someone who's swordsmanship exceeds Shanks
    • Mihawk has a 3.59B bounty

The SSG being designed to replace the Shichibukai and there being specific Pacifista models for different Shichibukai makes me suspect that unlike the original Pacifista, not all SSG would be on the same level.

They'd probably have the same defensive package, but their offence and other special abilities may differ considerably.

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung, @MarineHQ, @Playa4321, @comrade, @Sentinel, @ConquistadoR, @Shanal, @Topi Jerami, @ShishioIsBack, @HA001.
So exactly what makes you think that mountain is bigger than Pica? Much less Marine Ford lol

CoC: Color of Clowns

Barking's not enough
I once interpreted Yamato's obsession with Oden as associating him with freedom, the one they never had under Kaido. To learn it's Oda taking the role play literally is pretty disappointing.
It's because Yamato loves freedom, and hates what Kaido did to Wano. Yamato wants to be like Oden, because she wants to be free, like you said. Yamato's just a little mentally ill, since... well, her entire life has been horrible.

She'll get over the Oden thing as she explores the world, once she leaves Wano. She's already gotten a lot better about it, honestly.
It's because Yamato loves freedom, and hates what Kaido did to Wano. Yamato wants to be like Oden, because she wants to be free, like you said. Yamato's just a little mentally ill, since... well, her entire life has been horrible.

She'll get over the Oden thing as she explores the world, once she leaves Wano. She's already gotten a lot better about it, honestly.
i think luffy won't allow her on the sunny until she lets go of the "oden" thing
Lol your bullshit get destroyed when CP0 fodders are brought in. BB having a long fight with old ray and boa's hax is enough deterrent where GB was shitting only from shanks haki. You are a joke
Wtf are you talking about?
Neckbeard literally traveled from New World to Grand Line to get Boas Fruit, had Boa by her throat and he started shitting his pants when Rayleigh showed up and Rayleigh told him to fuck off and he fucked off.

What the fuck does that have to do with CP0 the fucking intelligence unit?
Imagine being insecure as fuck because Yonko look trash day by day.

Blackbeard is ready to kill Shanks but ran away from Rayleigh. Instead of taking a high ground and saying Old ray is potentially Kaido level of above, you decide to dick ride Yonko and downplay Rayleigh
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