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Some nice feats but not a lot of desteuction IMO.

The bounties shown seems to be the bounties they already had at that moment. So Teach increased his bouny for other reasons we dont know.
Are you blind he was with the other marines unless you telling me he avoided all of her arrows with pure speed. Lol that's a Sanji feat then.
He dodged or she missed? we didn't even see him in the aoe
Doesn't matter if he was shocked bb still gave him the hype lol
See this is why I legit can't stand losers like you. Slimy fucks move the goalpost whenever they're called out with their baseless assumptions
He dodged or she missed? we didn't even see him in the aoe

See this is why I legit can't stand losers like you. Slimy fucks move the goalpost whenever they're called out with their baseless assumptions
bro you're malding so fucking hard rn. accept Koby is a GOAT. Only him and Blackbeard avoided those arrows. and he was able to help fight against that rocks pirates guy. Why are you even hating on Koby btw? Do you have nothing better to do? :myman::myman:
He did save her from child slavery, extreme abuse/torture and whatever else so its definitely not surprising tbh. Rayleigh had great major grandfather, uncle and father figure vibes throughout the series in different ways ofc.

He's an amazing man but it does bother me why he and the Roger Pirates never tried to help Ace either. But I fear it might be like Marco saying at Wano, that he and the WB pirates dont owe Whitebeard anything anymore, they are free of him or w/e? But even then, their BELOVED former captains son? Really letting going to die like that? Sigh.

But yeah aside from that, Rayleigh is fucking awesome. The ultimate grandfather figure in OP even.
Yeah, no idea how Ray didn't appear at MF.

I guess it's just plot. They'd need to somehow makes marines overcome Ray + Roger Pirates... sounds weird.
Eh the way i see it is shanks is the weakest of the original but strongest of the current
BM > Shanks? :whitepress::whitepress:

Gorosei Informer

No different from Kaido actually

She thought that if Kaido was put down, she would be completely free to set sail and do whatever she wanted to do, because Wano would be fine.

Until she met an Admiral of the Navy and realized an "unknown strong haki user" felt the need to assist them :araboss:
Lmao thats ironically true! Theres so much irony in this arc I swear.
Tbh most of the Roger Pirates are either dead or in a very bad condition for fighting. I mean, they disbanded quite some time ago so they grew older and they probably stopped fighting. Plus we are 1000+ chapters in One Piece and we only have news of 1 member of Roger's Crew.
Sure and Buggy is your perfect example for it.
Thing is we still dont have any case except this one where the percieved leader has a lesser bounty than the percieved subordinate, especially among emperors.
And that's only explainable through the scenario i talked about.
I think its just as simple as mihawk being his own man for 40+ years fighting marines head on before he "joined" buggy
think he was just due for an update for a long while and that happened while they were revising the other warlord bounties. The 2.2 of him was an old bounty when he just became an emperor.
Blackbeards bounty wasn't frozen tho
The only reason they'd have to update his bounty is just new and more information coming in
just saying what the chapter told me dawg. The events of this chapter are set in during the marine invasion, and that's like a week before onigashima iirc.
Honestly just 957 was closer to onigashima then it was


Lazy is the way
@LANJI CUCKSMOKE @RayanOO Boa having a bounty weeks before the formation of Cross Guild proves that Mihawk's 3.69 & even Buggy's 3.18 had nothing to do with Cross Guild tbf
So Buggy had en emperor like bounty before cross guild and before « having » Croco and Mihawk in his crew ?

You know that is doesn’t make sense at all and contradicts the whole last chapter right ?

Gorosei Informer

Yeah, no idea how Ray didn't appear at MF.

I guess it's just plot. They'd need to somehow makes marines overcome Ray + Roger Pirates... sounds weird.

BM > Shanks? :whitepress::whitepress:
Yeah its definitely plot convenience or w/e, a shame really.

Also +1 on that reaction to BM and Shanks haha.
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