Gorosei Informer

The Naruto franchise got fucked after 2014
Honestly same with Dragonball imo. Even now more so since its also in Fortshite. I thought MHA would end up getting milked like these series, there was plans for it but its not popular/successful enough lol. More like Bleach at best rather than Naruto, especially in in the west? Not even that successful either actually?

Honestly same with Dragonball imo. Even now more so since its also in Fortshite. I thought MHA would end up getting milked like these series, there was plans for it but its not popular/successful enough lol. More like Bleach at best rather than Naruto, especially in in the west? Not even that successful either actually?

Bleach had the best treatment
Burn the Witch was awesome 👏🏻

Gorosei Informer

Bleach had the best treatment
Burn the Witch was awesome 👏🏻
It never had the popularity as the other series had though unfortunately, gets the most slander by far too.

Also the best/most current game for it right now AFAIK is the most asinine/greedy/awful gacha mobile game that you can spend literally hundreds to thousands on at least and not get the characters you want! It was PURE LUCK I got the Geisha Harribel I wanted so badly, a genuine miracle!