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Forreal dude. They be trying to hype up the Fleet Admiral, then be shitting on him at the sametime by saying he'll still fight Luffy before Luffy fights Imu. Like ok.. so he's gonna be the warmup to Imu? LOL

I don't know how they don't see how bad that makes Akainu look. Man is a goated character and they want him to be Blueno for Luffy in the final war.
Man brought opponents they fought but ignored the ones sanji didnt because of course
Name more than 2 opponents sanji did not fight. Am waiting. Sanji fought doffy zoro never did. But zoro fought hordy sanji never did. Sanji clashed with bm zoro fought kaido and bm . Infact aside hordy,doffy and kaido sanji and zoro has always had an encounter with the opponents luffy fight. So get off your high horse Peroroncino


Looks like we are getting the revplutionaries arc with vegapunk as villain ( redeemable or not, we will see)

Bonney is wife of Kuma or something, sabo story, Im, pacifistas.
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