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@Shiroyru @Swallalala
Im either is or uses uranus meaning he has weather powers. Coincidentally Dragon has weather powers too. Im is now after Sabo and the revs while Dragon built an organisation to take down the CD. At this point you must be delusional to not see the obvious.

Dragon and Sabo vs CD including Imu and Luffy vs Akainu
Luffy vs Akainu happens but Luffy vs Imu as the final fight, perhaps BB aiding him, is practically set in stone. He's the representative of the D clan, Imu is the god's leader.
The dream is not food related and everybody eating what ever they want other wise Sanji wouldnt laugh at it since its literally his own dream too ( kinda )
and its not freedom for everyone since its Sabo's dream and why would everyone be shocked, they been doing this from start of their journey, free people from slavery.
This something beyond these two, maybe @OnePiss is right and its buying the world
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