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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
In the chapter titled Luffys dream we see Imu use her powers for the first time

And people think they won’t fight LOL
So, I've long thought of Nami as royalty. As of now, Luffy has three end game villains: Imu, Akaniu, and Blackbeard.

Imu and Blackbeard are both associated with darkness and destruction at this point, and they are a royal, and a pirate.

I've always thought that Blackbeard and Imu were opposing forces, but... what if Imu is actually the Nami to Blackbeard? Not saying they're working together, but that Blackbeard doesn't hate Imu, and wants to become King of the World by GETTING WITH Imu.




Oda will draw parallel between Roger and Luffy and even JoyBoy

Roger failed to accomplish something after becoming PK and to achieve that he surrendered to start Great Pirate era.

Luffy could have similar dream coz of Nika stuffs (doesn't make sense why) and it seems so impossible or daunting that Sanji kind of felt that's luffy is gone insane and thus the reaction and him asking chopper to examine Luffy's brain
The fact that sanji lacks that convictio to achieve his dream no matter what was the whole point in baratie.
It was just reinforced here
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