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from Redon:
There are more reactions on the next page to what has been posted so far.

After the initial shock of hearing Luffy, Nami and Jinbe are also with their captain (in fact, Nami says "It's typical/expected of you, Luffy").

All that part with the band is very emotional, I have been moved reading it because it is very One Piece..
Nami never doubting Luffy is very wholesome, I need the chapter to come as fast as possible to see the rest.


If Enel comes back Oda will probably squeeze in a FB of him hearing about Uranus in his youth and that was the inspiration for him to built the Maxim.
It seems very likely as of now. Also Uranus=sky, sky islands, ecc...

But more than this, Arca Maxim and Uranus appear to be very similar, even though their way of working is obviously a lot different.
I've been saying this before.
Imu is Enel 2.0, like Doflamingo is Crocodile 2.0. Oda is recycling villains because his series has become too long.
Wb instant reaction was in shock like zoro
Sanjis is to laugh and say he's ill
Yh cause Sanji got to his reaction quicker than WB. At the end of the day they have the same reaction. They both think Luffy's an idiot.

Lets see next chao if Zoro's reaction changes....cause as of now hes reacting like fodder.
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