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Not much, I mean there is something wrong with litteraly everyone on this planet but I'm pretty confident that I have less problems than the vast majority. So I'm curious why you ask, did I say something to offend you?
is that all you do?
''Did i say something that offend you?'' You keep repeating that thinking you're making a point, no one needs to take offense to anything to call out your stupidity


Calling people Nazis just because hosted a forum in a country is dumb on many levels. I don't have to take offense to call out BS when I see it lmao. You don't have to say anything specific about me. I am one of the people who run the forum, and I said I am not German to show you how dumb that take is.
Are you asleep every time TAC , Lero and Loo posts something
Damn...that escalated. Let me tell you this though. Inherited will is a thing even in RL and the will of "those" people that committed the worst crimes in the past still live on today.
That was part of my point, unfortunately most children don't have any say in which environment they are raised so that bullshit gets passed down through the generations. During ww2 most everyone who wasn't on the side of the nazis left Germany leaving nobody but "those" people to reproduce and raise children how they saw fit leading to another generation with the same ideals who are just better at hiding their flawed morals.
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