One Piece Chapter 1060 "Luffy's Dream"

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the editor's note at the end " a chance meeting?" is very interesting because Oda doesn't have the time to send the crew to a random island without some sort of relevance. Bonney being there is already important because of her presence at the reverie. But i wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being the place where the last road is hidden...especially since they are, in theory, in the same directiona as sphinx, so it wouldn't be weird to think whitebeard took it near home


the editor's note at the end " a chance meeting?" is very interesting because Oda doesn't have the time to send the crew to a random island without some sort of relevance. Bonney being there is already important because of her presence at the reverie. But i wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being the place where the last road is hidden...especially since they are, in theory, in the same directiona as sphinx, so it wouldn't be weird to think whitebeard took it near home
Don't believe in editors :josad:
For them wano was ending in 1035


Talent is something you make bloom.
Luffy: "shanks, ace and sabo laughed. Shanks had tears rolling in his eyes."

Sanji, Franky and Brook are the ones immediately laughing. Brook has tears on his eyes, even though he doesn't have eyes YOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO

Brook vs Shanks confirmed.
Shanks has a flame powered sword.
Brook has a cold powered sword.

Fire vs Ice.
Don't even try to contest it.
Luffy: "shanks, ace and sabo laughed. Shanks had tears rolling in his eyes."

Sanji, Franky and Brook are the ones immediately laughing. Brook has tears on his eyes, even though he doesn't have eyes YOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO

Brook vs Shanks confirmed.
Shanks has a flame powered sword.
Brook has a cold powered sword.

Fire vs Ice.
Don't even try to contest it.
Least illogical worstgen theory:quest: