Luffy 100
Zoro 95
Sanji 93
Jimbei 88
This seems more in line with Oda style. Either that or Zoro and Sanji equal.
People seem to forget that Sanji always face someone slightly weaker than Zoro's and win with more ease, while Zoro faces a slight stronger enemy than Sanji and struggles way more (usually to win by a teleport behind you move).
This seems more in line with Oda style. Either that or Zoro and Sanji equal.
People seem to forget that Sanji always face someone slightly weaker than Zoro's and win with more ease, while Zoro faces a slight stronger enemy than Sanji and struggles way more (usually to win by a teleport behind you move).
People seem to forget something that isn't real? Shocked!
Queen's nowhere near King and Zoro didn't get ragdolled for 5 chapters after getting a dozen of free power ups. King lost in 5 to 15 minutes, Queen spent hours trying to get hurt by judge's son but he couldn't so he gave up and let him get 15 named attacks in. :watchout:
People seem to forget something that isn't real? Shocked!
Queen's nowhere near King and Zoro didn't get ragdolled for 5 chapters after getting a dozen of free power ups. King lost in 5 to 15 minutes, Queen spent hours trying to get hurt by judge's son but he couldn't so he gave up and let him get 15 named attacks in. :watchout:
How do you rank the strawhats?

My ranking is
