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People seem to forget something that isn't real? Shocked!
Queen's nowhere near King and Zoro didn't get ragdolled for 5 chapters after getting a dozen of free power ups. King lost in 5 to 15 minutes, Queen spent hours trying to get hurt by judge's son but he couldn't so he gave up and let him get 15 named attacks in. :watchout:
How do you rank the strawhats?

My ranking is

Have they stopped with the "lines around the character" thingy that they started doing with the Wano arc? Or is it just this fight? I haven't watched the anime in ages.
I mean this, for reference

During Wano (thick Black lines around each character):
they are still doing it, it just isn't showing up that much on this clip.
Overall the quality of the anime largely improved but the fighting scene I posted felt so slow and boring compared to what we were all expecting from a Kaido vs Luffy fight
People seem to forget something that isn't real? Shocked!
Queen's nowhere near King and Zoro didn't get ragdolled for 5 chapters after getting a dozen of free power ups. King lost in 5 to 15 minutes, Queen spent hours trying to get hurt by judge's son but he couldn't so he gave up and let him get 15 named attacks in. :watchout:
Sure man. If that make you happy.
The manga shows that Zoro struggled and got his ass kicked, got a ephiphany (like always) and then teleported behind king to win in a single blow. (like always). The manga also showed that Sanji won with more ease against Queen than Zoro against King. The manga also shows the WG considers King only slight more dangerous than Queen.
But if you want to frame in another way for your agenda, go ahead. I don't care enough about either character to give a shit.
Sure man. If that make you happy.
The manga shows that Zoro struggled and got his ass kicked, got a ephiphany (like always) and then teleported behind king to win in a single blow. (like always). The manga also showed that Sanji won with more ease against Queen than Zoro against King. The manga also shows the WG considers King only slight more dangerous than Queen.
But if you want to frame in another way for your agenda, go ahead. I don't care enough about either character to give a shit.
Don't care about your fanfics, Queen's nowhere near as powerful, fast or as durable as King, Lanji got sodomized by Queen multiple times and saved by daddy, you know this but still feel the need to lie to make Lanji close to Zoro. 15 cheapshots against a nobody is not close to oneshotting a lunarian, his coated sword and strongest attack in one move. Jinbei is a bigger threat than Lanji, glad we agree. :cheers:
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