> we see a little jab between Burgess and Shiryu, Burgess tells Shiryu not to get too full of himself because he was only "recruited" after Impel Down

peak writing
Funnily enough that was the one part someone (rightfully) criticized me for back when posted them
Someone mentioned that Shiryuu would not care what others think, and therefore not really have this Zoro-Sanji jab thing with Burgess (especially also about their bounties, similar to Zoro calling Sanji Number 4). And I guess that's true, Shiryuu would probably not care too much.
But having such a little exchange between them seemed cool, so I put that in. Glad you liked it.
As someone who has seen divorce.
You don't neccessarily have to pay alimony to the women. If you have your reasons right and you are not at fault.
and be careful choosing a wife?
Bruh I'm not even going near womens. I just don't happen to trust them anymore.
I don't how their mind works.
I'm sorry that you had to go though it.yeah it depends on the legislation of the country you reside,here where i live tribunals favor women.It is a sad state,43% of marriages end in divorce.Fucking modernity.
As someone who has seen divorce.
You don't neccessarily have to pay alimony to the women. If you have your reasons right and you are not at fault.
and be careful choosing a wife?
Bruh I'm not even going near womens. I just don't happen to trust them anymore.
I don't how their mind works.
They want validation from men,status,financial stability and chad throphy husband that can fuck her good so her friends get jealous of hear.That is the mindset of the modern women.


I'm sorry that you had to go though it.yeah it depends on the legislation of the country you reside,here where i live tribunals favor women.It is a sad state,43% of marriages end in divorce.Fucking modernity.
Umm I didn't go through divorce. My parents. I'm still like 19.
and mom is the reason why I don't prefer any sort of womens now.
She didn't cheated or anything.
But the psychological torture in the name of emotinal blackmail these womens do are beyond human scope to understand.