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1. Kyros didn't label him the hero of Rocky Port. The Marines along with the public did hence why kyros, boas sisters and teach references him (coby) as such.

2. He served 0 role. He didn't force luffy to aspire to new heights, he isn't someone whom luffy and zoro state would be a problem in the future. It sucks man.

3. Bullshit on this since everyone associated with a d has been famous/infamous revered important buddy.

Let's go down the list:
Rodger pirates: associated with D rodger
Rayleigh: associated with d rodger
Shanks: associated with d rodger
Buggy: associated with d rodger
Sabo: associated with d dragon
Coby: associated with d garp
Strawhat crew: associated with d luffy
Doffy: associated with d law
Kaido/Whitebeard/bignom: associated with d xebec.

Blackbeard: an actual D

Law: an actual D

4. Cool Smoker has ties with someone who has ties with bb while coby has direct ties with bb because of the rocky Port incident lol.

5. Nice bullshiting boas fruit folds daffy. The same daffy that mentioned boas conquerors haki by the way.

6. Cool buddy coby was placed directly in ties with zoro and benchman in film red lol

7. Yip but the chapter title of coby brings further events in reference to his situation something bellamys chapter title doesn't do lol

8. Sure we do. We know a rocks pirate was their. We know law was the mastermind. We know koby was the hero. We know that bb thanked cobys for his role in Rocky Port. We know from kyros that coby saved and defended the civilians there.

You really ain't making this difficult for me are you
1) Yes- the label is widely known but we first knew of it when Kyros said it which is all I referenced him for.

2) "Stronk brain-" Smoker was positioned in the narrative as a bait and switch on our perception of the Navy as readers/as the eyes through which Oda began to hammer the themes of greater forces at play/inherited will, following up on Mayor Woop Slaps words on Destiny post-Arlong Park.
The final barrier in the stories prologue/a huge impact presence (also- Luffy specifically thinks of "Smokey" as a motivator for learning Haki and is invested in their combat rivalry/cares for him as a friend, which is verbalized in PH).
Try and think of something other than punching;

3) Smoker is the first character to draw parallels between Roger/Luffy (two D's) and quite literally swore his life on capturing Luffy; making him his white whale.
Smoker is unique in the series for the fact that his plot is predicated on Luffy's pace; if we want to get meta then in Loguetown Smoker clued into Luffy being the protagonist and inserted himself into the narrative (rather than it coming to him).
Two D's that the story has tied him to and the fact that he parallels more of Garp than you're willing to admit and follows down his line from Garp's connection to Kuzan.
Your "D" sentence is still a stretch/poorly phrased without any actual moment in the narrative pointing to it.

4) Smoker has direct cause to be involved in Blackbeard's arc via Kuzan and the fact that he's intimately involved at each turn of the era/tied himself to Luffy's fate.

5) Koby didn't do shit; he looked cool but ultimately he was bloodied by a bunch of Kuja haki and rightfully would have been folded by Boa; Smoker on page in PH was shown as comparable to the Law/ Vergo and co. and was injured come Doffy.

6) Cool, except i'm not trying to downplay Koby like you're doing Smoker.
Does this picture give you cold sweats at night?

7) Koby's chapter title means he's finally got a plotline, yes.
It means nothing else (a major one, but still nothing that counter's Smoker, it's just a title).

8) Once again, we know nothing about what Koby actually did or how much genuineness was in BB's words especially with the framing "hero" had from Sandersonia.
O shit I just realized you were Seatonnes with the name change lmao
英国学历学位认证阿伯丁大学原版毕业证成绩单Q/微993398773毕业证成绩单教育部学历学位认证留信认证原版1:1制作电子图修改GPA成绩留信网认证本科毕业证硕士毕业证『诚招代理』英国教育部认证永久存档University of AberdeenUC学历伪造堪培拉大学澳洲仿真毕业证成绩单Q/微993398773原版1:1毕业证书UC教育部学历认证留信认证使馆认证UC修改GPA成绩UC澳洲本科毕业证学位UC澳洲硕士毕业证学历『诚招代理』国外毕业证制作澳洲文凭购买University of Canberra东北大学美国文凭制作学历购买Q/微993398773美国NEU毕业证成绩单教育部学历认证留信认证原版1:1制作电子图修改GPA成绩『诚招代理』美国本科硕士毕业证书 Northeastern UniversityUA毕业证阿尔伯塔大学毕业证文凭Q/微993398773原版1:1毕业证成绩单UA教育部学历认证留信认证使馆认证UA修改GPA成绩UA加拿大本科学历证书UA加拿大硕士文凭学位『诚招代理』国外毕业证制作加拿大完成信购买THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Adelaide学历伪造阿德莱德大学澳洲仿真毕业证成绩单Q/微993398773原版1:1毕业证书Adelaide教育部学历认证留信认证使馆认证Adelaide修改GPA成绩Adelaide澳洲本科毕业证学位Adelaide澳洲硕士毕业证学历『诚招代理』国外毕业证制作澳洲文凭购买University
One, Luffy doesn't have better physical states than Zoro, not in base. The reason why Luffy looks like he has the better physical stats is that Zoro is not adept at channeling his powers via his limbs the same way Luffy's not adept at channeling his powers via weapons. At least, Zoro could punch better than Luffy could slash people.
That's a bullshit argument lol. We're not looking at zoro punching vs luffy slashing. We are looking at zoro punch vs luffy punch. If zoro cant channel his powers via limbs with out a sword as well as luffy, then he simply has lower physical power. Simple as.

Two, Luffy has a higher level of CoA than Zoro but it's not necessarily stronger. You could have a stronger level of Haki within the same level of CoA, and you could have a stronger Haki than those with more advanced Haki too. For instance, Gorgon sisters have the barrier variant before TS—It's an advanced form of Haki, but you can bet Luffy's CoA was stronger than theirs even before he achieved advanced forms of CoA. Similarly, Luffy's CoA is of a higher level than Zoro's because it's more advanced but Zoro's Haki is still more powerful. That's why Zoro was inflicting better damage despite Luffy having the ability to penetrate Kaido's defense.
Nowhere is it said or apparent that luffy's coa is less potent than zoro's. The gorgon sisters haki was showcased only in pre time skip when luffy needed to "beat" them. They are a result of haki not being fleshed out. Can't compare that to luffy vs zoro.

Where did you get that zoro was dealing more damage to kaido using a lower haki technique?. Luffy's damage isn't visible cause its internal man. Compare luffy barrier haki to zoro and luffy is equal if not stronger.

The premise here is, that if two people of equal caliber attack the same thing/person while one is a swordsman and the other uses fists, then the sword attack is always more lethal. So if Luffy hits someone with X amount of physical power plus internal destruction Haki then he'd do less damage than Zoro using the same amount of physical strength and the same level of Haki.
That is misleading too. Because the premise itself is advantageous to the sword guy. Cause, he's getting another thing that boosts his stats compared to the other guy. Luffy and zoro doesn't have the same physicals and mastery in haki. That's the whole point. If you take two clones with exact amounts of haki and physical power and give only one of them a weapon, the weapon guy would almost always win. But that's not what happens in battle. They all have different advantages and boosters. Like, luffy has his devil fruit on top of top haki and physicals, Kaido has his df and oni stuff etc...

If you have to take away Luffy's df for zoro to match or beat him, then you should take away zoro's swords too to make it fair. Like, do you think Mihawk beats Kaido easily because mihawk has a more lethal weapon?

Also, So if Luffy hits someone with X amount of physical power plus internal destruction Haki then he'd do less damage than Zoro using the same amount of physical strength and the same level of Haki

The point is that they don't hit with the same force and haki. To make zoro's strikes more lethal, you are leveling up zoro's haki to luffy's level. So zoro has luffy level haki + a weapon. Do you think it would be fair if luffy had zoro's level of swordsmanship suddenly, and we compared him to zoro in swordsmanship? No, because luffy is gaining tremendous advantage. That being, he is getting zoro level swordsmanship without having to put any time towards training and cultivating it. And that's the main takeaway. Zoro gained his great swordsmanship because he put time into it. Just like luffy gained his haki by training his haki bases thoroughly. So zoro suddenly getting elevated haki to luffy's level without having to train for it and fight for it doesn't make much sense. I know it's hypothetical, but you guys are taking things in a vacuum and giving zoro all the advantage just to prove he is superior. When that isn't how it is at all.
What are these reddit spoilers???

One Piece 1061 Spoiler
Brief summary, thanks to Sergio (Redon):

Chapter title: The Hidden Legend

Chapter starts in Kamabakka Kingdom. Dragon calls in for an emergency meeting, talking about how they have to contact a certain person immediately

Cut to the Thousand Sunny. Bonney's actual name is Jewel D. Bonney, secret daughter of Dr. Vegapunk. She wanted to confront her father after the Reverie but was trapped in the eddy just off-shore

Strawhats now finally land on the winter island of Jomarmar. They decide to split up but Zoro gets lost immediately

he ends up in an underground lab, where he encounters Dr. Vegapunk, who reveals himself as the killer of Zoro's childhood friend Kuina, Down D. Stairs
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Blackbeards quake quake fruit. He literally attacked the Marines within the same panel we saw coby lol
You should read chapter again. Blackbeard didn`t attack Koby, if he did Koby would be dead.
1) Yes- the label is widely known but we first knew of it when Kyros said it which is all I referenced him for.

2) "Stronk brain-" Smoker was positioned in the narrative as a bait and switch on our perception of the Navy as readers/as the eyes through which Oda began to hammer the themes of greater forces at play/inherited will, following up on Mayor Woop Slaps words on Destiny post-Arlong Park.
The final barrier in the stories prologue/a huge impact presence (also- Luffy specifically thinks of "Smokey" as a motivator for learning Haki and is invested in their combat rivalry/cares for him as a friend, which is verbalized in PH).
Try and think of something other than punching;

3) Smoker is the first character to draw parallels between Roger/Luffy (two D's) and quite literally swore his life on capturing Luffy; making him his white whale.
Smoker is unique in the series for the fact that his plot is predicated on Luffy's pace; if we want to get meta then in Loguetown Smoker clued into Luffy being the protagonist and inserted himself into the narrative (rather than it coming to him).
Two D's that the story has tied him to and the fact that he parallels more of Garp than you're willing to admit and follows down his line from Garp's connection to Kuzan.
Your "D" sentence is still a stretch/poorly phrased without any actual moment in the narrative pointing to it.

4) Smoker has direct cause to be involved in Blackbeard's arc via Kuzan and the fact that he's intimately involved at each turn of the era/tied himself to Luffy's fate.

5) Koby didn't do shit; he looked cool but ultimately he was bloodied by a bunch of Kuja haki and rightfully would have been folded by Boa; Smoker on page in PH was shown as comparable to the Law/ Vergo and co. and was injured come Doffy.

6) Cool, except i'm not trying to downplay Koby like you're doing Smoker.
Does this picture give you cold sweats at night?

7) Koby's chapter title means he's finally got a plotline, yes.
It means nothing else (a major one, but still nothing that counter's Smoker, it's just a title).

8) Once again, we know nothing about what Koby actually did or how much genuineness was in BB's words especially with the framing "hero" had from Sandersonia.
Wait wait wait. You think I am trying to downplay Smoker?

No. I am simply being realistic. Coby is what 18 had two years of growth with garp and is impressive. Smoker is like 15vyears older than luffy and coby lol. Now how is he realistically a portrayal of garp? Garp and rodger were similar in age. Smoker is so much older than luffy that it isn't even funny. He has less room to grow in comparison to luffy and coby.

Added with the fact that we have already scene the full scope of what he can do post tineskip. I just don't realistically think he is going to be as powerful or as important as you want him to be
It's amazing that people still think Smoker is luffys garp when the dude is 17 years older than luffy and coby. Dude is almost 40
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Ok lol
No marine is Luffy's Garp, no one has that kind of rivalry with him.
Both Smoker and Coby have been left far far behind in terms of power and their relationship with Luffy just isn't the kind that Garp and Roger had.
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