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I think the right interpretation would be
roger proved with haki alone you could become the strongest . luffy obv doesn't have a comparable level of haki yet.

and kaido is saying with abilities alone , That can't be done.
the right counterargument to his statement was if luffy became the strongest without haki . He is clearly using haki with his g5 attacks.

to the big mom point , she got beat in a team fight ....not entirely sure those are fair circumstances .
I get the point u can be the strongest with just haki but not just with abilities, but do you think if luffy had a bit better haki he would've won against kaido ? Devil fruit adds way more then just flat out power like haki, This argument about haki transcends cant be fully correct if you have people like whitebeard or rocks (i think he got fruit as well) that were able to rivel roger. only people in the story that can really "win" against devil fruits are roger and garp.

Take law for example, he went against haki master vergo and he won because of his devil fruit, also i think blackbeard will kill shanks and if he will that will be because of his df not his haki.
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