Who will be the next SH?

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Baby, I'm bout to bring this encore. :moonwalk:Crymatard stans are hilarious.

Stayamato can kindly request to be called nakama, but unless luffy call them nakama back they're someone to be forgotten. Yamatard just happen to be sitting around when the series reached the 1000+. Her 5 minutes of fame are up, back to the shogun's kitchen.

- Luffy doesn't call her nakama
- Her second goodbye doubles down on staying
- Lost to green bitch with 7 other samurai and a azul dragon zoan user. She didn't even win a little, once Nazi Broccoli was done tentacling them, Luffy and crew would have made salad out his racist ass. Fighting is different when you're not playing catch with daddy for 30 minutes while the whole island is still on its way to the capital.
- After luffy defeats kaido she leave to stop the beast pirates like a guardian of THAT place.

She was always a last minute after thought that was never suppose to be important. Copematos said she would join 100%. They said you need to be stupid not to see it. I saw the writing on the wall but my benevolent ass said "let them have hope". I was going just let them cope in peace and be nice and shit but they irratating and uppity.

Now I'm sitting here like :kata:
Yamato is the mentor figure 4 momo...gasp
Not mentor, but someone she can grow close enough to share a dream that inspires them to finally set out.
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My least favorite part about Yamato has always been the "I'm Oden!" BS. If Yamato has been roleplaying as Oden this entire time in order to train Momo to be like his father... I still wouldn't like it, but it would make Yamato's character a lot more sensible.

"I should act like Momo's dad, Oden, to inspire Momo to grow up to be a strong, great Shogun!"
Is way better than:
"Wow, I sure love my kids, Momo and Hiyori.

One makes Yamato look like a kind mentor who has mental issues due to Kaido being a giant jerk, and the other makes Yamato look flat-out-insane.
I get the feeling Yamato would feel like moving on from the Oden persona depending on where her personal happiness resides. Like if the Wano citizens grew uncomfortable with Yamato going around self-proclaiming to be someone who made more sacrifices than she did, and don't deem her to be even worthy of taking on that name.
The lookout role has never once been mentioned in the series and Usopp can do it.
Neither was helmmans and Franky and other random Sh were doing it, mute point. Also point is that that's actually a role unlike Yamato having noone

Carrot had a bog-standard wish to go to sea because she was bored or something. It was never Strawhat worthy Yamato had the exact same wish except bolstered by her being imprisoned by her father and wanting to emulate Oden.
Yeah except for the fact Carrot actually inherented the dream of seing the Dawn which is Pedro's dream and the entire Minks civ aswell, meanwhile Yamato's doesn't have a dream, emulating Oden is already what she is doing in part, Oden's dream/will is too blurry so it's pathetic to think Yamato has some dream by saying "Oden".

Utterly irrelevant. Same argument was made for Jinbei. Oda will always end up making it 1) Luffy 2) Zoro 3) Sanji
What's utterly irrelevant is this argument, Yamato is de facto stronger than Zoro but by a substancial margin, going toe to toe with an Kaido warrants her a bounty power equivalent of at least 2B +, it's irrelevant if Oda makes Zoro/Sanji 2/3, if Yamato joined after Wano she would be the second strongest SH, that matters for narrative purposes. Just as much as it matters that Tama won't join because she's too weak.

Momo and Kine’mon were de-facto Strawhats. That’s why they got an invite to join the crew whenever they want.
Carrot’s just another one in a host of characters who spent time with the Strawhats. Shinobu spent more time with the Strawhats on Wano than Carrot did. Was way more important as well.
Yeah the random Ninja who is a 9 scabard substitute is more important than a Character that's been around for 3 arcs, sure buddy. How can you unironically say Momo and Kine'mon are de-facto SH and then say Shinobu > Carrot, do you not understand Kienemon traveled with the SH for 4 Arcs, Momo for 3 arcs and Carrot for 3 arcs? 0 awareness of the proportionally of importance on arcs.

Getting Brook was the main purpose of the Thriller Bark arc. Carrot’s never had that level of relevancy, even in WCI or Zou.
You're never going to get a SH candidate centric arc again, Fishman island wasn't even about Jimbei, this is a pointless argument, in the Yonko saga no character will be arc centric outside maybe Rebeca.

Yeah, so if we lived in a parallel universe where Oda actually bothered to spend time on Carrot maybe she might have been treated better in the end.
Not much of an argument.
But you do, you live in a universe where Carrot has had the same panels as Jimbei in the last 2 arcs and more panels in WCI than every Strawhat in Wano outside the monster trio.

Less than Law, Kine’mon and Momo had, making her… not special in the slightest.
"Compared to the most important 3 characters allied to the SH she's not special", ok? Cool and Yamato was with Luffy an evening, people still taught she'd join.

Like three panels of her talking to Pedro.
Terrible dream and irrelevant role, sure
The dream that's the same as Yamato + the Dawn is which is actually the most One piece centric dream sure and a role that's she's not only depicted as doing but she as actually done with the SH, what was Yamato role again?

Carrot is a basic ass secondary character and that‘s all she ever was or will be. She’s not a Strawhat, she’s not even close to being a Strawhat and that’s why Oda didn’t even bother showing her saying good bye.
This is even worse than the delusions when she was actually playing a part in the story and people were trying to say that she would have a big role in the future. It never happened, but at least when you’re talking about the future something isn’t completely impossible, no matter how unlikely. Now we know the full story, we know everyone saying she was unimportant is right and we’re still getting this gibberish about how she’s basically a Strawhat? It’s crazy.
Yeah like Shinobu right? She's more important than Carrot right? She got a gag that she got thin gj.

But yeah Carrot is so irrelevant Oda drew her in SH centric panels and wrote her with them for 7 years with no narrative reason for her being there, totally basic. She's like a mini Vivi in charge of a country that holds a Red poneglyph on the back of an elephant that's obviously relevant to EOS but she's just a "basic ass secondary char" sure bro.

Meanwhile Younko son asspull out of nowhere who existed for the final battle of an arc is a strong candidate.

Also can you not reply by breaking down my answer into 30 micro arguments? The main point is that Yamato doesnt have a dream or a role, if you can headcanon one for her feel free to do so, that was the main point.

Please adress that instead of nitpicking with 30 redudant counter arguments.
would I hate that sure, but at least its closure
At least we wouldn't have this expectation of better writting, where we get Oda writing Carrot in SH reunions but then being leader of Zou for no reason, we actually expected a barrel subversion.

Just more reasons for Carrot haters to pop their boners and start talking about how she's irrelevant because she didn't get a goodbye. Something that was brought up by Carrot fans.

Carrot haters are just inssuferable, imagine Rebeca or Vivi having these kind of dedicated caveman haters, it's completly vexing.


(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
At least we wouldn't have this expectation of better writting, where we get Oda writing Carrot in SH reunions but then being leader of Zou for no reason, we actually expected a barrel subversion.

Just more reasons for Carrot haters to pop their boners and start talking about how she's irrelevant because she didn't get a goodbye. Something that was brought up by Carrot fans.

Carrot haters are just inssuferable, imagine Rebeca or Vivi having these kind of dedicated caveman haters, it's completly vexing.
It's just piss poor writing but u can't even talk about it because like you said haters come out and act like it's good he offscreen a pretty relevant strawhat ally. Like damn man wtf. That's not good at all. The push from her fans r them trying to give oda the benefit of the doubt. That's it!
Neither was helmmans and Franky and other random Sh were doing it, mute point. Also point is that that's actually a role unlike Yamato having noone
Burgess was introduced as a Helmsman in Jaya, where it stood out since it was a role that the crew didn’t have. It’s one of the main reasons people thought that Jinbei would be one before he joined.
Yeah except for the fact Carrot actually inherented the dream of seing the Dawn which is Pedro's dream and the entire Minks civ aswell, meanwhile Yamato's doesn't have a dream, emulating Oden is already what she is doing in part, Oden's dream/will is too blurry so it's pathetic to thin
Carrot has not once said shit about the Dawn lol.

Oden’s dream isn’t “blurry”, it is totally concrete. It’s opening the borders of Wano. It’s outright said. How can you find that “blurry” but some vague nonsense about the Dawn is perfectly clear?
What's utterly irrelevant is this argument, Yamato is de facto stronger than Zoro but by a substancial margin, going toe to toe with an Kaido warrants her a bounty power equivalent of at least 2B +, it's irrelevant if Oda makes Zoro/Sanji 2/3, if Yamato joined after Wano she would be the second strongest SH, that matters for narrative purposes. Just as much as it matters that Tama won't join because she's too weak.
This is quite literally the same terrible argument that was being used for years to try and argue Jinbei could not join.

It does not matter in the slightest how strong Yamato is. If she had joined, or if she was to join in the future, Zoro would still end up stronger than her if he is not already.

Yeah the random Ninja who is a 9 scabard substitute is more important than a Character that's been around for 3 arcs, sure buddy. How can you unironically say Momo and Kine'mon are de-facto SH and then say Shinobu > Carrot, do you not understand Kienemon traveled with the SH for 4 Arcs, Momo for 3 arcs and Carrot for 3 arcs? 0 awareness of the proportionally of importance on arcs.
Does it hurt that the random ninja was way more important than Carrot in the biggest arc of the timeskip?

My god. It does not matter that Carrot was around for three arcs. It matters what she did in those three arcs, which was precious little.

And I can say that Momo and Kin are de-facto Strawhats, without even the slightest hint of irony, cause that’s what happened in the fucking manga. Luffy invited them to his crew whenever they want to come.

You're never going to get a SH candidate centric arc again, Fishman island wasn't even about Jimbei, this is a pointless argument, in the Yonko saga no character will be arc centric outside maybe Rebeca.
Is this meant to be some sort of excuse for Carrot being a non-entity?

Jinbei got plenty of focus in FI. Arc starts with Luffy wanting to see him, he delivers the flashback about the islands history, he fights with Luffy, he fights alongside the Strawhats, the end to the action is him offering Luffy his blood and being invited to join the crew.

He had to share screentime with Shirahoshi, since she’s an Ancient Weapon and hugely important to EoS, but he certainly had his display.

But you do, you live in a universe where Carrot has had the same panels as Jimbei in the last 2 arcs and more panels in WCI than every Strawhat in Wano outside the monster trio.
Ahahaha, wow, all those panels of Carrot floating around in the background saying such amazing lines as “urrgh”, “gyaaa” and ”master Neko” really paid off for you guys, didn’t it?

Panel time is a worthless metric. It doesn’t differentiate between the importance of the panel. A double spread of a character doing something amazing counts the same as one of them being a blob in the background.

Carrot’s great panel time very much consisted of the latter.
"Compared to the most important 3 characters allied to the SH she's not special", ok? Cool and Yamato was with Luffy an evening, people still taught she'd join.
What kind of argument is this? So you know that Carrot isn’t actually special to the SH compared to Law, Momo and Kin? So what the fucks all this ranting about how amazing and important she was then?

Yamato got an invite after her afternoon with Luffy, he spent weeks with Carrot and doesn’t give a fuck about her. Off she went on Zou with nary a whisper from Luffy or even her brother Chopper.

What an amazingly important character. A de-facto Strawhat if ever I saw one.
The dream that's the same as Yamato + the Dawn is which is actually the most One piece centric dream sure and a role that's she's not only depicted as doing but she as actually done with the SH, what was Yamato role again?
Carrot did fuck about the Dawn lol.

And Usopp was literally doing the lookout job when Carrot was on the ship.

Yamato could have been an apprentice or a samurai, who cares, she didn’t join. But at least she has the option to.
Yeah like Shinobu right? She's more important than Carrot right? She got a gag that she got thin gj.
Don’t be mad that Oda spent more time actually developing Shinobu than he did Carrot.
But yeah Carrot is so irrelevant Oda drew her in SH centric panels
My god, you lot are hanging in to her hugging Jinbei for dear life, aren’t you? It’s all you have. Quite sad.
wrote her with them for 7 years with no narrative reason for her being there,
Hardly. She vanished off-screen with the Minks for most of Wano.
She's like a mini Vivi
Ahahahahaha jesus christ the delusion. Carrot a mini-Vivi. My god. I too remember the one hundred arc saga revolving around getting Carrot to take the throne in Zou and ending with her promise with the Strawhats.

Oh wait no that was Momo.
in charge of a country that holds a Red poneglyph
That the Strawhats have already got a copy of, so that plot points over. Oda can’t even be bothered showing Carrot take the role.
back of an elephant that's obviously relevant to EOS
Whose panel time is spent with Luffy and Momo instead of Carrot, but sure
but she's just a "basic ass secondary char" sure bro.
Yup. Dull as dishwater. Shows up occasionally, is cheery, occasionally sad about Pedro, that’s about all there is to Carrot
Meanwhile Younko son asspull out of nowhere who existed for the final battle of an arc is a strong candidate.
Well yes, because, get this

Luffy has said Yamato can join the crew whenever she wants. And Yamato has said she wants to join the crew.

Which is rather important when talking about who might join the crew.

Now, personally, her staying behind leaves a sour taste in my mouth that makes it hard to care for her joining the crew so late in the day, but it’s worth a hell of a lot more than Carrot’s non-existent chances.
Also can you not reply by breaking down my answer into 30 micro arguments?
Well, everything you say is so dumb it needs to get picked apart piece by piece.
The main point is that Yamato doesnt have a dream
Opening the borders of Wano
Apprentice like her dad was for Rocks, samurai like Oden was for WB/Roger, make her a fighter now that Zoro is a Swordsmaster, or make Zoro official First Mate.

Four perfectly palatable options for Yamato should she ever get around to joining the crew.
I'm obviously not going to adress all that clusterfck, so ultimately you think Yamato dream as a SEA TRAVELING PIRATE is to open the borders of Wano which is literally up to Momo, and her role is Apprentice/samurai or fighter.

And you claim lookout/Dawn role/dream are piss poor lmao.

It's pointless to argue, the bias is beyond aproaching, imagine if i told you Carrot role could be aprentice or fighter, it means nothing. It's a role that applies to literally any character in OP
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It's so easy to dismantle your points in 3 seconds, oh Burgerss was a Helsman in Jaya?

Oh where's the "aprentice/samurai/fighter/other bs" role introduced in OP? In what universe do you live in, where an aprentice exists as a role and there's an equivalent to BB for instance and can be held by a woman that's 28 years old?

What the fuck is Samurai as a role? Where's the "samurai" role ever in the story. It's like saying Rebeca would join, role: Gladiator

Turn some of your ridicoulus Carrot criticism you have towards Yamato and see how you sound. You complain that lookout was never in the story and then you're making up roles that don't even exist.
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I'm obviously not going to adress all that clusterfck, so ultimately you think Yamato dream as a SEA TRAVELING PIRATE is to open the borders of Wano which is literally up to Momo, and her role is Apprentice/samurai or fighter.
Yes, imagine thinking that Yamato, who spent all her time saying she wants to be Oden… would have Oden’s dream. Shocking stuff

And given that opening the borders of Wano is very much tied with the Void Century, the Ancient Kingdom and all that jazz, yes, I think that being a SEA TRAVELLING PIRATE and being part of the crew that is going to go to Laugh Tale which will end up opening the borders could very much have added up.

And yes, for roles I do like to try and look at things that have been previously mentioned as ones in the series. Unlike lookout, which has never been brought up in 1000 plus chapters.

And you claim lookout/Dawn role/dream are piss poor lmao.
They are piss poor.

Because Oda spent zero time on the character who is meant to be performing this role and dream. He let Usopp do the looking out when Carrot was on the Sunny. There was no amazing moment where Carrot showed off her dazzling ability to see far. Where is Carrot‘s tsunami surfing equivalent as a lookout?

And as for the Dawn, well, bumper arc of Wano and Carrot doesn’t mention it once. Yamato mentions it more than Carrot does, which just sums up everything about Carrot.

It's pointless to argue, the bias is beyond aproaching, imagine if i told you Carrot role could be aprentice or fighter, it means nothing. It's a role that applies to literally any character in OP
Here’s the thing.

You could tell me any role for Carrot and it would not matter, not because of the role, but because Carrot does not matter.

The problem is with the character and how the character was not utilised in any way that would suggest that she will be a Strawhat.

Had Oda spent 1000 chapters with Luffy desperately talking about how every pirate crew needs a proper lookout I still would not believe that lookout would be Carrot. Because Carrot was not built up as a Strawhat.


(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
I want a goodbye is all. A cover story...something. For me that's all. To be the only relevant straw hat ally that's sailed with them....and not get an on-screen goodbye... The Mugis have said goodbye to everyone and every ally they've made on EVERY single island we've seen, and there's only ONE exception in the 25 years of One Piece: Carrot and the Minks in Wano. It has to be for a reason. If you count Chapter 822 as the minks goodbye, carrot was also missing then too...I refuse to believe oda is that much of a hack. ill never sinks to petty insults or spite but I want to believe in a writer I've been enjoying for 10 years now, carrot being in 7 of those...almost as long as law funny enough
Yes, imagine thinking that Yamato, who spent all her time saying she wants to be Oden… would have Oden’s dream. Shocking stuff

And given that opening the borders of Wano is very much tied with the Void Century, the Ancient Kingdom and all that jazz, yes, I think that being a SEA TRAVELLING PIRATE and being part of the crew that is going to go to Laugh Tale which will end up opening the borders could very much have added up.

And yes, for roles I do like to try and look at things that have been previously mentioned as ones in the series. Unlike lookout, which has never been brought up in 1000 plus chapters.

They are piss poor.

Because Oda spent zero time on the character who is meant to be performing this role and dream. He let Usopp do the looking out when Carrot was on the Sunny. There was no amazing moment where Carrot showed off her dazzling ability to see far. Where is Carrot‘s tsunami surfing equivalent as a lookout?

And as for the Dawn, well, bumper arc of Wano and Carrot doesn’t mention it once. Yamato mentions it more than Carrot does, which just sums up everything about Carrot.

Here’s the thing.

You could tell me any role for Carrot and it would not matter, not because of the role, but because Carrot does not matter.

The problem is with the character and how the character was not utilised in any way that would suggest that she will be a Strawhat.

Had Oda spent 1000 chapters with Luffy desperately talking about how every pirate crew needs a proper lookout I still would not believe that lookout would be Carrot. Because Carrot was not built up as a Strawhat.

1.Opening Wano's borders is not related to the void century wtf, Momo literally told Zunesha to not open the borders. It's not up to the SH to open them, Momo can open them. Having Yamato join to open the borders makes no sense.

Even if you argue like some people did, that you need Pluton to open Wano's border, Pluton is in Wano, there's literally no connection to that dream and sailing with the SHs. It's a contradictory purpose.

2. Yes and like lookout, fighter/samurai has never been mentioned or exists as a role. And aprentice literally suits Carrot more than Yamato seing as Carrot is actually young.

3. "Because Oda spent zero time on the character who is meant to be performing this role and dream. He let Usopp do the looking out when Carrot was on the Sunny. There was no amazing moment where Carrot showed off her dazzling ability to see far. Where is Carrot‘s tsunami surfing equivalent as a lookout?"

Right where Yamato's role at all ever? Please explain it. Carrot was a lookout in WCI when fleeing the BM fleet, when has Yamato demonstrate 0.0000001% of her doing a role?

4. "You could tell me any role for Carrot and it would not matter, not because of the role, but because Carrot does not matter."

Neither does Yamato my dude, she's gone, she never had a role, she never set foot on the Sunny, she never interacted with any SHs besides one phrase or two.

Literally everything you say about Carrot is infinitely more applicable to Yamato, this is why you're flip floping on Yamato's dream role all the time, because you can't seem to handle the fact she's an asspull at the end of an arc, a one dimensional character with no story arc, no role and no dream that would make her a SH.
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Just answer this question did you think Yamato was going to join?

If so, why are you criticising Carrot not having a tsunami surfing moment, when Yamato doesn't even have a role.

Do you understand the absolute massive double standard you're imposing?

On one hand, you want a huge lookout moment for Carrot when she was being the lookout, or the other hand, Yamato can be a samurai/fighter/aprentice/hooker/meh whatever.

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Do you say that about Vivi or Smoker?
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What if the Sunny has a life of its own and will be the new nakama.

It is something that comes hand in hand with what we know of the spirit of the Merry (and nothing so far of the Sunny), but I think there are several indications to think so.

1) They took a photo of the Sunny, mistaking it for Frankie. Maybe whoever takes the photos detected that the Sunny has a soul or something like that and thought it was a transformation of Frankie, but it was just another crew member.
2) Oda is trolling with the tenth crew member. And when seeing Luffy's dream, the Sunny also "reacts", as if it were another nakama. The latter, to be exact.
3) The new plot of Vegapunk could reveal this a bit.
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The only issue with the Sunny being the 10th Nakam is that the implication is that we need one more to fight BBs comanders. Most people think Franky would make the Sunny a mech, but if the Sunny is the 10th than it needs to fight a commander without anyone controling it
The only issue with the Sunny being the 10th Nakam is that the implication is that we need one more to fight BBs comanders. Most people think Franky would make the Sunny a mech, but if the Sunny is the 10th than it needs to fight a commander without anyone controling it
There is the fact that one of the titanic captains is literally nicknamed "Sanjuan Wolf, Colossal Warship". He must have a counterpart in Luffy's gang, what better confrontation than ship vs ship

CoC: Color of Clowns

"Are these lessons? Or forgotten memories?"
It's just piss poor writing but u can't even talk about it because like you said haters come out and act like it's good he offscreen a pretty relevant strawhat ally. Like damn man wtf. That's not good at all. The push from her fans r them trying to give oda the benefit of the doubt. That's it!
One Piece fans on the internet tend to either dick-ride Oda hard, or trash him. Defending Oda here is a waste of time. We're a bunch of degenerates complaining about the author of a pirate manga we're pirating not fulfilling our online agendas.

This thread isn't even about WHY you think someone will join the Straw Hats, this thread is about telling other people why their favorite characters WON'T join the Straw Hats.

I didn't like how we left Wano at all, but just because the ending sucked for Yamato and Carrot fans, it doesn't mean those characters are screwed forever. To me, Oda hasn't ruined their characters, it's just tiring see all these plotlines get delayed. Just put the Rabbit and Oni on the ship, Oda (and Vivi).