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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
He jumps anything that has XX chromosomes; be it adult, teenager, child, milf, granny, animal (Mink), dead... anything goes for his desprate ass :whitepress:
I mean one can take those as gags. But I have two issues with them.

1) not funny anymore

2) going overboard which goes against Sanji's own morals of having chivalry. It's contradicting.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
In Dragon Quest 11 you can marry with the girls in your party and one of them is a 18 year old girl stuck in the body of a 6 year old, nips love this type of bullshit. :mihugh:
I don't hate people over weird fictional BS, but... sometimes Japan drives me nuts.

The Persona series is the worst. God forbid you can get gay as a dude, but in Persona 3 Portable the 17-year-old Fem MC can date an 11-YEAR-OLD BOY. Ugh. I become more tolerable of age gaps the older you are, but, if you've reached puberty, and you're dating someone who hasn't, step back and reassess yourself. Oi.
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