Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

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I supported this beforehand by saying right after the episode that TOEI had no reason to alter the course of the manga just because and that it wasn't clear whether or not PO had gotten defeated that's why they chose this way
My reasoning simply was Oda on numerous occasions in his SBS expressed those kinds of words to certain questions "Yes.. I have received multiple question about this before from the anime staff"

So that alone tells me that when they have confusion about something.. they ask Oda... Sure thing they can slip sometimes.. they can do mistakes in their interpretation... but when something is AS CLEAR AS "who won that fight" they will not ulter the outcome.. rather they would ask Oda who the victor was... and in case Oda wants to delay the outcome to keep it a mystery... he would have asked them to keep it a mystery as well... they wouldn't mind it

They have connection with Oda.. thus.. their intrpretation is 100% more valid than our own interpretation...

Also, just to point things out... now the anime staff DID A BETTER JOB in making Sanji look better than how it is in Manga

In anime.. they made sure for us to see Sanji look like he's fucking him up.. and left while he ad the upper hand on his OWN TERMS...

While in manga... we just left them clashing... and suddenly he appears... fans would be like "so how did the match go?" is what most fans would say.. and Sanji would look much more undrwhelming cause many might say "Pageon may have controlled the fight, and Sanji retreated because he couldn't deliver on his promise to take him out"

Now Toei is the one doing Sanji some good justice... not manga


I will never forgive Oda
Drake was doomed to be fodder ever since it was revealed that he’s still a Marine
Macho my man, you need to stop hating.
You know, it doesn't feel like a traditional WG spoiler thread without the first 10 pages being dedicated to people complaining about the chapter title and the supposed "flashback" it implies
That's only when @Arara provides the spoilers. Those are special weeks.
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