Who will be the next SH?

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Tama and Killer sounds like the kind of weird-friendship that ends up being wholesome that Oda likes.

Killer obviously hates Kaido and Orochi, and, overall, Killer doesn't seem like a bad dude. I think he'd be gentle towards kids.

Kid, though? Not sure how Kid is around kids...
Tama and Kid could make crazy mechanized beasts together, though... is it time for Tama to enter her Punk stage?!?!?
kaido and orochi are lucky tama didnt awaken to tame zoans and people
People say this about Carrot too, that they'd be on Kids crew.

Honestly Kid and particuraly his crew just seem like unironic bad guys, they're kind of shitbags all around and Kid is an anoyning edge boi
@Uncle Van I think it would be nice if the poll options reflected the characters people are actually talking about. If you added Vegapunk (and maybe Carrot and Yamato since they're somehow still the center of discussion) and removed Sabo and Bellamy it would make a lot more sense. Raizo is also kind of irrelevent even as a joke now that the memers moved on to Caribou.
@Uncle Van I think it would be nice if the poll options reflected the characters people are actually talking about. If you added Vegapunk (and maybe Carrot and Yamato since they're somehow still the center of discussion) and removed Sabo and Bellamy it would make a lot more sense. Raizo is also kind of irrelevent even as a joke now that the memers moved on to Caribou.
everyone should be removed besides carrot pot goblin and caribou
You already saw how hax BBP are... Carrot doesn't fit any Yonko-tier crew... Her being a national leader is just fitting since she's on par with most NW national leaders (Dold, Elizabello, Momo, Judge)...
@Uncle Van I think it would be nice if the poll options reflected the characters people are actually talking about. If you added Vegapunk (and maybe Carrot and Yamato since they're somehow still the center of discussion) and removed Sabo and Bellamy it would make a lot more sense. Raizo is also kind of irrelevent even as a joke now that the memers moved on to Caribou.
As a carrot fan myself i'm honestly against putting her back on the poll because of the absoluet degenerate toxicity her and Yamato bring to this discussion.

But i guess since we're still talking about them, adding them back as options wouldn't make much of a diference aswell

I believe that Luffy will return to Wano, but he will not find Yamato, something will happen to Yamato & Luffy will have to save her, however he will take Otama with him, then he saves Yamato, while Vivi (if she was not kidnapped by Imu sama) will join before Otama or after Yamato.
so for me these are the only possible new crew members; Otama, Yamato, & Vivi
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& I don't know why Otama is not in the poll, while she explicitly asked Luffy to join
It's been a while since I last checked the forum.

I guess I just stopped coming here because if I needed leaks, I already had them on Twitter, and since the conversation of Carrot slowed down, so did I.

I really don't know what Oda wants to do with Carrot honestly. Ever since 1056 it looked quite odd the way Carrot's Story went (as of what we know so far) and the fact that she wasn't even mentioned by Luffy and the rest nor given a goodbye scene with them, it just makes it the more odd.

A character that was given depth, development and even a sad moment, shouldn't had been so sidelined, specially when other characters that had similar screen time or even less actually did. I doubt Oda just said "Fuck it" and give her that ending.

I heard that Carrot has been getting lots of "Hints", for example Vegapunk's Electric Gloves, Female Bepo's Hair being similar to Carrots, the Rabbit Screw and then some more stretch out ones, but that could still count, Bonney's Least Favorite Food being Carrots and Stronger (the Horse of Blackbeard Pirates) Favorite being Carrots.

Carrot could still appear, even if it's unlikely at this point, because it has almost being 10 Chapters since she last appeared. But keep in mind that in the Story it has only passed a few days since Wano, so it's still not that long.

If she doesn't appear, well guess will have to accept it, despite it being a bit bad writting for the character. Hopefully if there is a cover story of her, it's at least showing progress and development for her, to some extent.

Anyways good luck to those that still are in support of Carrot, like me, we will sure need it.
It's been a while since I last checked the forum.

I guess I just stopped coming here because if I needed leaks, I already had them on Twitter, and since the conversation of Carrot slowed down, so did I.

I really don't know what Oda wants to do with Carrot honestly. Ever since 1056 it looked quite odd the way Carrot's Story went (as of what we know so far) and the fact that she wasn't even mentioned by Luffy and the rest nor given a goodbye scene with them, it just makes it the more odd.

A character that was given depth, development and even a sad moment, shouldn't had been so sidelined, specially when other characters that had similar screen time or even less actually did. I doubt Oda just said "Fuck it" and give her that ending.

I heard that Carrot has been getting lots of "Hints", for example Vegapunk's Electric Gloves, Female Bepo's Hair being similar to Carrots, the Rabbit Screw and then some more stretch out ones, but that could still count, Bonney's Least Favorite Food being Carrots and Stronger (the Horse of Blackbeard Pirates) Favorite being Carrots.

Carrot could still appear, even if it's unlikely at this point, because it has almost being 10 Chapters since she last appeared. But keep in mind that in the Story it has only passed a few days since Wano, so it's still not that long.

If she doesn't appear, well guess will have to accept it, despite it being a bit bad writting for the character. Hopefully if there is a cover story of her, it's at least showing progress and development for her, to some extent.

Anyways good luck to those that still are in support of Carrot, like me, we will sure need it.
Do you have a source for that carrot avi? :neesama: