You're still deflecting. You can't prove your own headcanon.

Luffy simps ranked by strength:

Cool then show me the strong characters she defeated. She didn't beat smoker.

She turn inanimate odjefts into stone also proving my point thay cobys haki was high enough to completely resist her ability since she turned objects that don't even have feelings or sexuak preferences into stone lol
That’s an insult to his character. Toko‘s just a child, you can’t make inappropriate assumptions like this.

She was sleeping on the right side of the bed while Hiyori was on the left snuggling with him (for whatever reason).

Don’t take panels out of context.
So you’re gonna ignore what this clown said ab Sanji being something he isn’t?

I’ll be nice enough to just say….if you’re a zorofan please just vacate the premises

i deal with too much bias daily, you’re not helping
He would have arrows sticking out of him, or at the very least marks on his body where he was grazed by them

Holy shit
Hee arrows don't cause physical damage though. To add she was even able to get other bb members that weren't even in the area with her ability. So koby just happend to dodge ever single one of her arrows? I like coby alot but even I would have to call bs on that level of speed feat
Post automatically merged:

its literally the same thing but she doesnt have to charge up to fire a volley
It's not. It was specifically stated that her slave arrows work differently. Hence the name SLAVE arrows