What will happen to The Invincible Charlotte Katakuri?

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Way for Oda to build a final opponent..by having him piss his pants against Old and Rusty Rayleigh and run away like a bitch only to get pushed to high diff by Zoros cheer leading squad member.
Yeah BB and his crew lose in credibility if they don't crush Law and his weakass crew. Like I would never be excited for Straw hats vs them if the fight gets dragged on.
My only fear is that Oda likes Law a lot, he carried the fight against Big Meme
And, we haven't even seen BB awakening or him going into offensive mode.

Law better do something otherwise it will be too late for him :kobeha:
I bet Law is sweating bullets when that happens, if everything goes BB's way then Law can only use shambles to get the fuck outta the way. All of his offensive moveset is nullified.
Inb4 Law gets physical and somehow surprises BB. :suresure:
I really hate Oda's lazy ass handling of Low and Midd and their crews

Like through out Wano Low and Mid ate shit..looked like complete chumps on the roof top admitted they can't do anything against Kaido

Then randomly both pulled awakening out their asses

Then Oda went out of his way to hype up Luffy and his Nica form..still gave him equal bounty as Low and Midd

Now Bepo who was portrayed as caroot's equal..a Random Slave from Sabaody and Two Jebronis are "Showing" Abilities and competing with Blackbeard pirates.

Like IDGAF, I would support Law if he was actually portrayed properly.

But Oda's retarded ass is flip flopping, drawing what ever the fuck he feels like he needs to draw without consistency at all.

Now a 500 Berry Mascot and 4 more misfits are meant to compete with an emperors Crew.

Law hasn’t even started turning up yet. Save the melt down for the epic shit to come
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