What will happen to The Invincible Charlotte Katakuri?

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I'm still sticking with Dragon but cmon Oda how did he not know of Kuma's situation when he has history with Vegapunk
Hes right.
Croc jinbe Iva not running from law
Nor is law soloing yami teach and his crew
Imo Law can do those things. As I said, there's no proof. Law is obviously not gonna get a chance to show if he could have done it or not. So all we can do is speculate based on our biases and what we've seen. But,

Law is a pirate worth 3 billion. That's more than BB had when he became a yonko. And Law has the clout of being a major part of the team that took down 2 yonko. So if Iva, croco and jinbe had that info, they would run faster than they did against Magellan.

And Magellan negging yami teach, that's a very situational thing. They were in a cramped super prison. That like the perfect place for Magellans fruit to wreak havoc.

If y'all are scaling shiryu to Magellan, then put Magellan against Law and see where that goes. Law(even pre skip Law tbh) completely negates most of Magellans tricks. He can just slice up Magellan from far away and it's gg.
Lmfao what anyone else says is irrelevant
True legion members opinions mostly are irrelevant. To much bias

Without sneak attacks law Is vergo territory
An that’s why he’s holding his own currently 1-1 with a Yonko lvl character. For more then 30secs, zoro done that when again

How dare you cry that law is gonna get snuck
When laws dead in a few chapters we see how much you talk
Cry lol, imagine thinking a “mere” was gonna be relevant in any Capacity around Law. He Zoro opponent for a reason, an Law fight Luffy for a reason Kid lmao.

Hope ur man enough to be in a few chapters. Ur world all ready crumbling after this chapter. Law was supposed to get neg if u ask legion dumbass. An his crew was shit
You re not making sense at this point, it's not against you but the most distinguished feat of a acoc user is sky splitting which is quite literally the opposite of being sneaky:endthis:
I think i didn't explain it right.He would use use haki when his blade would be about to touch Zoro.It isn't that hard to pull off.
How tf you gonna force Mihawk in current storyline?

He's not a bad guy
Crocodile gets the Pluton; Cross guild declares war on the world government since their dreams revolve around the downfall of the marines and win; Buggy and Imu become one being as god of Pirates; Straw Hats then declare war on them

People are obsessed with this good vs bad ideals for fights. The Straw hats will fight good people if needed for their dreams
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