What will happen to The Invincible Charlotte Katakuri?

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post ts what? Yeah a bum like Shiryu would totally needs an inivisbility fruit in order to sneak attack a corpse like WB

Bum couldn't even cut Moria's clothes. Moria looked more annoyed than hurt
Layers bleed, you are the pinnacle of being ridiculous:hapnoel::hapnoel:
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People live in the misconception of Only SH grew during TS.
But then they say their favorites became 100 times stronger:gokulaugh:
No but Yamato will beat Low anyday
In 1v1 Low would die against Kaido in nano seconds.
Yeah no. Yamaoto haki ain't on the level of Kaido and big mom. Law will have his full arsenal against her. And that'll make it much easier for him than against haki monsters like kaido.
She can be if she wants tbh. she has literally everything in front of her to use.
It's upto her to grow with it or without it.
But is she at their level now? No. She can if she trains and battles much more. But she isn't now. So the argument that every Advcoc user is at the same level is bogus.
Full fledged denial.
Zoro wiped his ass with Luffy pre TS and even in post TS he did it for several arcs.
Show me where he wiped luffy? The only time zoro and luffy fought was Whiskey peak. And they were even then. And ever since then, luffy has fought much much stronger opponents than zoro's and gotten much much stronger. Zoro won't follow a captain weaker than him...
If he covered the battlefield with darkness, then he will have nothing to switch places with. Too bad this isn't a winter island for him to switch places with snowflakes. Law has to get close to BB to land hits, so it's easy enough to capture him without giving him enough time to react. I am not saying Law is definitely getting captured. I already explained to the folks last week how Law is one of the only DF users that could oppose BB's DF but it's not as hard to touch Law as you're making it out to be.
This is fanfic. First the battlefield is the entire island. Second BB doesn't just cover things in darkness. He sucks the things in from the ground...slowly. So I don't see where you are getting the notion that BB can cover the entire battlefield while pulling Law in.

He is helpless against BB as long as he doesn't have access to his DF abilities. There is nothing he could do against GGnM without his fruit. His only option is BB acting careless, and not attacking Law.
Like I said, he is still a swordsman so he isn't helpless.
You do know BB has to touch him for his fruit to not work right because you are arguing as if the entire fight will be DFless Law vs BB.

Not a single one of them took a direct punch besides BB. WB threw a punch in their general direction. Even Akainu was temporarily immobilized after two hits, and it was the same guy who treated Marco and Vista like bugs.
Akainu was immobilized mainly thanks to island splitting punch. The first one was off guard.

It's not like it takes several minutes. He has to rise his hand in a weird way, that takes less time than Zoro's Onigiri or Luffy's gears. Law's not exactly well known for having super quick reactions. Not when he's gonna be in an uncomfortable position while being pulled in. He's getting punched before he even realizes he couldn't use his powers
It doesn't have to take several minutes. This is why I said you downplay Law because you have been assuming things Law can't do based on nothing. Law's reactions were quick enough to block Kaido who was directly in his face.

Why's it weak? Coz the strongest admiral withstood it?
Because it barely broke ground on an off guard Akainu. The second punch actually split the entire island.

I don't see how that's any different from Sanji's CoA could be superior to Luffy's coz it's a possibility, so he could mitigate damage from GGnM of all things
No because we have already seen the limits of Sanji's COA strength. We have not seen the limits of Law's COA strength...so claiming that Law's COA cannot be stronger than Luffy's is baseless.

Coz we have no reason to believe Law's Haki is superior.
Which still doesn't make it fact unless you have something to prove his haki is weaker. Claiming it is weaker because you haven't seen it stronger is not a valid claim

Except we do. Luffy has a highly advanced Haki and Law's Haki hasn't done anything for us to confirm it could operate at that level when all he ever did was some basic blocking. If Law had the same level of Haki as Luffy then he'd be running around with Zoro putting scares on him without even needing Room.
No we don't. There is a difference between haki strength and haki technique. Luffy has superior techniques (barrier and penetration) but his level of haki strength vis a vis Law's is unknown.

Here is an example, Luffy pre Udon had haki strength superior to Sandersonia but his haki technique was inferior because he lacked barrier.

think everyone already knows how Haki works. Saying "Law's Haki isn't weak" doesn't prove his Haki mitigates GGnM damage to a significant degree. You're supposed to provide evidence to support these claims
You made the claim that his haki couldn't which was baseless so quite strange you ask for proof of the opposite.

Regardless we actually do have a direct comparison supporting the claim that Law can Block a gura punch.
-In MF, a gura punch was matched by Sengoku's Shockwave.
- Sengoku's Shockwave couldn't knock out Burgess (in fact it did minor damage)
-If that did minor damage to Burgess then it would do even less to Law. If Law uses haki then that would be mitigated to negligible damage.

Obviously, that's how logic works. You judge things based on what they did, not based on what you want them to do. If Law's best feat is blocking Doffy's Five-Colored String, then it's perfectly logical to assume he could block comparable attacks. GGnM attacks are on a completely different level.
Only your logic. You are judging a feat from Law several arcs ago which was a successful defense to claim that he CANNOT block something in the current arc. How you made that correlation is not logic


the ones who is crying is you, actually trying to group zoro and luffy like zoro is closer to luffy then he is to sanji
Adcoc automatically makes zoro closer to luffy than sanji.
then being so insecure that u try to downplay him because u dont like him, i wonder who is the pathetic one
Lmao Go make a poll and tell me if someone accepts the fact sanji can take on kuzan.
I stated the fact. when people were saying Shiryu > kuzan. If kuzan was number 3 sanji ain't beating him. Did I say jimbei there? Understand what sarcasm means you idiot. It was you who triggered me to say that whenthe arguement was pretty polite to begin with you downplayed zoro first. expect it back in return. I accepted sanji can be admiral lel but definately not now. eos can be a "Possiblity".
I dont care about sanji being 2nd, its just hypocrytical of you to say zoro fights the 2nd strongest all the time but when sanji fights the third all the time somehow he isnt the 3rd, nice logic clown.
Bounties would say otherwise to that.
Yeah no. Yamaoto haki ain't on the level of Kaido and big mom. Law will have his full arsenal against her. And that'll make it much easier for him than against haki monsters like kaido.
Law's arsenal is fucking trash that's the problem
His Haki is garbage
He is far slower than Zoro
He is physically ass

Yamatrash will just blitz him and smacks the fuck out of him on the head with CoC club and knock him out.
At best its a mid diff for Yamatrash.

Again when I say Zoro low diffs him..I am still giving Law benefit of the doubt..Pure Feat for Feat Law is a solid neg diff for Zoro.
And then you have the authors own words that shiryu is the second strongest memeber of the BBPs i dont know what is so hard for you to understand?
All I was saying is that the banner with the "2nd strongest" was drawn before Kuzan was confirmed a part of BB's crew.

And judging by the recent portrayal of Admirals , I would put my money on Kuzan in a 1 vs 1 with Shiryu.


Show me where he wiped luffy? The only time zoro and luffy fought was Whiskey peak. And they were even then. And ever since then, luffy has fought much much stronger opponents than zoro's and gotten much much stronger. Zoro won't follow a captain weaker than him...
you yourself contradicted when you said they were equal at whisky peak and zoro won't follow a weaker captain than him.
zoro joined luffy way before Whiskey peak.
All I was saying is that the banner with the "2nd strongest" was drawn before Kuzan was confirmed a part of BB's crew.

And judging by the recent portrayal of Admirals , I would put my money on Kuzan in a 1 vs 1 with Shiryu.
Here is an issue tho
In Universe Kuzan was still part of Blackbeard's crew then

Was Oda himself not aware that he will make Aokiji part of Blackbeard's crew when he said that SBS?
Show me where he wiped luffy? The only time zoro and luffy fought was Whiskey peak. And they were even then. And ever since then, luffy has fought much much stronger opponents than zoro's and gotten much much stronger. Zoro won't follow a captain weaker than him...
Luffy without gears has no chance against Zoro pre TS.
Oda had to miraculously make Luffy resist swords in WP.
Zoro never claimed he wouldn't follow a weaker captain, they take IG's bullshit out of context.
you yourself contradicted when you said they were equal at whisky peak and zoro won't follow a weaker captain than him.
zoro joined luffy way before Whiskey peak.
I said they were shown in that fight as equals. That fight was barely starting. And it ended just as fast too.
Also, that still doesn't contradict what i said. Even if they were equal, Luffy was not weaker than zoro.
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