Aye thats very much a possibility! Egghead is EXACTLY the kind of arc that would suit Kidd, just like Franky and how Wano suited Zoro at least, WCI for Sanji and maybe Nami too and so on...
I am so desperate for Kidd to be involved in this arc too, it HAS to happen somehow! Kidd and Luffy were going in the same direction out o fWano originally, so maybe that might foreshadow Kidd getting involved somehow?
Although Kidd mentioned the man burned by the flames, we need to know who that is and where they are at, I'm kinda hoping for Scopper at least or maybe a Rocks Pirate or something. Someone in hiding hence the vague way to reference them? Or usinga specific marking rather than their name too?
Maybe the flame is some kind of ritual/cult thing? A sign for an organisation? Like a tattoo or so?
Yeah I remember seeing that as a theory too, given his age and such too. It would explain why we dont know his backstory and could make him very tragic too. Maybe thats why he wanted to gun for Shanks and kill him too IIRC? Or take him down at least?
Ahaha that pun!
Yeah the music in Hercules, Tarzan, Lion King, Mulan etc is
EXCEPTIONAL! I loved the gospel Muses approach in Hercules SO MUCH, black the representation too was very nice as well! They were so iconic, fun, energetic and added immensely to the movie! Can't imagine it without them at all! It would be like removing the very backbone of the movie!
Another ABSOLUTE BANGER here too!:
But wait there's more!:
Speed is fantastic! I love how she played a mother role to Tama but then Oda had to be a dick and suddenly have Nami being a mother to Tama as well, whilst Toko gets neglected and even Momo too, with the later being chased by Yamato who insists on roleplaying as his father and trying to make Momo embrace her, whilst hes traumatised from just seeing his parents die and thus losing them recently!
Speed got done so dirty too but she still gets to look after Tama too, especially since Nami isnt there too AND Tama did say she wanted her to be her mother I think AND she swore to protect Tama, even regardless of Tama taming her with her DF, she voluntarily wants to protect/raise her which spoke volumes too!
Not Disney ofc but this is a banger as well!:
I NEEDED to see the Smile users get cured, especially Toko on god. I'm confued on whether Yasuie had eaten a Smile or not in the end now but if he was faking it after all, that is so TRAGIC! Toko not getting cured at least makes me FURIOUS but even all the Smile ridden Ebisu people too or w/e!
I hope the thing Zoro wanted to ask Vegapunk about was about them, but Zoro is staying behind now on the ship for some reason and we don't know what he wanted from Vegapunk, FFS Oda....It was probably Kuma related too though....
Also Killer being permanently like this sucks too, I can't believe with so many doctors in the alliance and Mr "I want to cure every diseases" or whatever Chopper didn't try to cure the Smiles nor diagnose Big Moms eating disorder and help her too but alas...
Theres a part of me that fears Oda kept the Smiles from being cured because he wanted the gifters to remain as they are for the "LULZ" and thus he can always rely on them for for fucking asinine gag potential in future too....