Gorosei Informer

It doesn’t help that Sabo only appears when it’s relevant to the story. Like, he’s only appeared a handful of times as far as I know. :josad:
Hes getting some love in the movies too at least, it does help. Stampede made him look amazing for example.

I really hope we get a proper Revolutionaries arc with Sabo getting a massive spotlight and Oda stops thesechildish/petty/ridiculous Sabo death fakeouts already. And by that I mean not killing him off ofc but just letting the poor bastard live already! Wasn't Ace enough?!

*edit* I just remembered Oda is setting this up as the Revolutionaries arc too, duh! Or at least setting them up from this arc? I just remembered theres that island that was mentioned as a possible location for the last ponegylph in the road to laugh tale booklet too but that is in the Grand Line so that can't be right? Unless the 4th missing ponegylph was moved there and hidden there? By Shanks maybe? Or Whitebeard himself? Vira is the name of that island anyway, it seems to be Italian and a play on "Villa"?:


Its interesting that Balloon Terminal and Raijin Island are mentioned as possibilities too...But we know Kaido went to Balloon Terminal and Urouge went to Raijin, with no idea what happened to him after that, but Smoker and Tashigi went there too IIRC as the SHs were meant to go there but they ended up going to Punk Hazard instead ofc.

Emptee Bluffs sounds like a real wild west maybe pirate town, bandit themed or so, Yukiryu means snow dragon I think in Japanese and thus could be that favourite winter island of Kaidos that was mentioned in Drake's cover story?:

Welp thats the island Shanks was on and where Ace met him too!:



I suspect Emptee Bluffs could be like Whiskey Peak and or that town Ace fought Blackbeard in too:


Wait never mind, I looked it up and Emptee Bluffs is BUGGY'S ISLAND! Of course it is! I'm such a "fool"...


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