Future Events Shiryu Already Killed Fujitora


Now that it is basically confirmed that Shiryu is above Admiral level (Aokiji), and it is also basically agreed that OG Admirals (Akainu/Aokiji/Kizaru) > new Admirals (Fujitora/Green Bull), it is not too farfetched to conclude that Shiryu has killed Admiral Fujitora already.

Here is the spoiler:
Post timeskip, Oda has shown Blackbeard Pirates doing actions multiple times, from attacking Baltigo to Amazon Lily to Heart Pirates.

Come to think of it, Blackbeard Pirates have attacked every "major players" in One Piece world, described by Doflamingo:

Among the Yonkos, we see Van Augur and Aokiji were sent to invade WCI, 2 vs 1ing Cracker, and kidnapped Pudding.
Among the Shichibukais, we see Blackbeard, Vasco Shot, and Devon attacking Amazon Lily and almost killed Boa Jancock.
Among the Worst Generations, we see Blackbeard, Burgess, Lafitte, dr. Q and Stronger attacking Heart Pirates.
Prior to events in Whole Cake Island arc, we also see Blackbeard Pirates attacking Revolutinary Army's Baltigo.
So among the major players, only the Marines left untouched by Blackbeard Pirates so far and coincidentally among the Blackbeard Pirates, only Shiryu, San Juan Wolf and Avalo Pizzaro who aren't shown yet post Wano arc (Tenth Titanic Captain is apparently Aokiji).

Now by common sense manga logic, we know authors usually saves the best scene / the peak for the last.

Now, if Blackbeard who already attacked Pirate Empress High Tier Boa Jancock, attacked Head of the Cheerleaders High Tier Trafalgar Law, or the downfall of WCI includes High Tier Cracker; if the downfalls of 3 High Tiers aren't considered the peak scene yet for Blackbeard Pirates' movement, then we know the peak scene is gonna reserved for a Top Tier's downfall.

And the only active Top Tiers who is kept missing since post Wano arc is Fujitora, who is not coincidentally:
- part of the only major faction remains untouched by Blackbeard Pirates lately, the Marine
- already completed his goal in the story: abolishing the Shichibukai
- have overpowered Devil Fruit and Blackbeard Pirates are targetting them
All that above tells you, Fujitora is in danger.

"but but, Fujitora hasn't shown his Awakening yet, so he won't be killed!!"
Yeah, this excuse can't work here, because we know, with Blackbeard Pirates, they won't only kill the character, they will also steal their Devil Fruit and can show the fruit's power later. They can even show the fruit's real power better than the previous user, like what Shiryu's case with Absalom's fruit.

What do you think?
@m0nst3Rx @HA001 OF THE RAIN @nik87 @L55 @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Roronoa-sama @ShishioIsBack
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @AkainuTheGrimReaper @ranady @King7 @MarineHQ @Extravlad @Chrono
@Sentinel @Playa4321 @Blackbeard @Tejas @Shiroyru @TheAncientCenturion etc.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Pretty sure if you have an admiral as your “subordinate” and your no2 killed one your bounty shouldn’t be 3.9

shiryu beat mihawk more likely then this
Mihawk is 3.59B man

Maybe his Bounty jumped from 2.2 to 3.9 because of all of that. It's pretty massive jump and we don't know bounty of Shiryu yet and considering Luffy only got 1.5B jump for defeating/killing kaido and taking wano I won't be surprised

Topi senpai always speak faxx ✌️
shiryu beat mihawk more likely then this
Except unlike Fujitora:
- Mihawk has been shown, safe and healthy along with Buggy and Crocodile
- Mihawk's role in the story isn't finished yet
- He doesn't have OP devil fruit whom Blackbeard Pirates are targetting; Shiryu already has a Meito so he doesn't need Yoru
- Blackbeard already attacked Amazon Lily from Shichibukai side and only Marines that remains safe so far.
Mihawk is 3.59B man
Ok?? And Fuji is apart of the organization who does bounty and an admiral
Maybe his Bounty jumped from 2.2 to 3.9 because of all of that. It's pretty massive jump and we don't know bounty of Shiryu yet and considering Luffy only got 1.5B jump for defeating/killing kaido and taking wano I won't be surprised
Luffy got his bounty split with the other two doesn’t correlate with bb


Kitetsu Wanker
You might actually be onto something here, Topi-chin. :sus:
As you mentioned, BBPs have attacked all the factions mentioned aside from the Marines.
And Fujitora seems rather like a common hype tool for others so I wouldnt be surprised.

However, while BBPs are making moves they are prone to failure.
They havent really achieved anything in Baltigo and Amazon Lily. WCI was a success though.
We are about to see if fate spares Law or not.

While killing Fujitora grants them a powerful fruit, they seem to have all eaten one already.
Keeping Fujitora alive may be more useful since he is a perfect hype tool for Shiryu.
The man with the best Observation Haki can confirm that he couldn't detect Awakened Shiryu.

Certainly looking forward to seeing how BBPs and Marines interaction ends up.