Who will be the next SH?

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(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
It's interesting that Pudding and Van Auger were on the cover story and main story during the same chapter. IIRC that hasn't been done before. This could be foreshadowing that other characters from Whole Cake Island returning to the main story soon.

Firetank Pirates just had a cover story that showed Pound was alive.

Perhaps the "Big Mom" Pirates return as not all of the Strawhats battled on Tottoland.

Will Pekoms fate be answered with this cover story?


Kuma being from special people came out of nowhere. Special people as in the Revolutionaries or a special race or something else? And I'm having doubts Kuma is Bonney's biological father. She never seen a Pacifista before is the only reason for mistaken one for her father. Does he have a Bible? Does he have a Paw on each hand? Then that's your daddy! Automatic disqualification.

Still waiting for an Emerald City reference (Bellamy on Jaya) for Egghead. Vegapunk having qualities like the Wizard of Oz seems probable.
I don't want oda to mention pedro ever again...
Why not? That's basically the only way Carrot will get some relevance. And that last line was too vague and on the nose to be discarded. I think we carrot fans still has something in store, even if she doesn't end up joining.
Because Oda unironically retconed Pedro's will to be rulling Zou.

That's why they don't want Pedro mentioned again, unless it's Carrot not rulling Zou, and doing something else to vindicate his will.
I've turned over a new leaf. I've decided to stop bullying yamato fans or at least grouping them into one collective. Van is still the worst mod thought. Anyways, the era of straight assholery is over. I'm satisfied with what I got away with. The new era is a more analytic one....

Zoan Devil fruit will kill you if you stop doing what they want.
Yamato and Kaido have very special fruits. They are known as Gaurdians of Wano. Despite his terrible ways, Wano was protected by Kaido as the World Government is more than happy to erase any country that steps out of line, hence Law/Bonney/Robin as a result of their heavy handed methods. When Kaido changed his ways to stop protecting Wano but to instead enslave all it citizens and work them all til death, he went against the will of his fruit and death came for him. The Zoan type fruits were mentioned to have a will of their own and choose their users. Who would you want to protect Wano? Momo or some unstoppable monster like Kaido? Yamato was likely always choosen by her fruit due to her love of the country. She would never abandon Wano and even took it upon herself to find new purpose in this land. With that said, if she were to ever cross the will of her fruit.... in some obvious/strange way, she might be looking death in the eyes so that the will could be carried by someone else with just as much love for Wano. Good thing she stayed in Wano. It would be shame if she got sick for thinking about leaving or something like joiing a pirate crew. That is all
I mean, at this point, the worst thing oda can do is just not show carrot at all. And that's been the past few chapters anyway. So, if carrot even appears for a single panel, that's a win for me.
You're so humble it making me be less selfish. Anyways, All I got to say is. "don't be shocked". Based on a few vague hints, it makes me very nervous for our Carrot. We won't know until 2 days so I'm just going to focus on other stuff.
I've turned over a new leaf. I've decided to stop bullying yamato fans or at least grouping them into one collective. Van is still the worst mod thought. Anyways, the era of straight assholery is over. I'm satisfied with what I got away with. The new era is a more analytic one....

Zoan Devil fruit will kill you if you stop doing what they want.
Yamato and Kaido have very special fruits. They are known as Gaurdians of Wano. Despite his terrible ways, Wano was protected by Kaido as the World Government is more than happy to erase any country that steps out of line, hence Law/Bonney/Robin as a result of their heavy handed methods. When Kaido changed his ways to stop protecting Wano but to instead enslave all it citizens and work them all til death, he went against the will of his fruit and death came for him. The Zoan type fruits were mentioned to have a will of their own and choose their users. Who would you want to protect Wano? Momo or some unstoppable monster like Kaido? Yamato was likely always choosen by her fruit due to her love of the country. She would never abandon Wano and even took it upon herself to find new purpose in this land. With that said, if she were to ever cross the will of her fruit.... in some obvious/strange way, she might be looking death in the eyes so that the will could be carried by someone else with just as much love for Wano. Good thing she stayed in Wano. It would be shame if she got sick for thinking about leaving or something like joiing a pirate crew. That is all
You do realize people were suggesting you stop that for yourself, not others right? The Yamato crew was having fun with your posts. It was some pretty hardcore self destruction and it came across as coping because you're in the exact same position as us after Wano. I'm glad you decided to post normal content now, but let's not paint this as you showing mercy when it's really just you growing up.
You do realize people were suggesting you stop that for yourself, not others right? The Yamato crew was having fun with your posts. It was some pretty hardcore self destruction and it came across as coping because you're in the exact same position as us after Wano. I'm glad you decided to post normal content now, but let's not paint this as you showing mercy when it's really just you growing up.
It was fun irratating people but alas, all good things must come to an end. I soured so many moods and baited. I am satified with roughing them up and making them see the light. Some even converted better than I thought and gave up on nakama stuff completely. This ending was always planned to be around November 1st.
You do realize people were suggesting you stop that for yourself, not others right? The Yamato crew was having fun with your posts. It was some pretty hardcore self destruction and it came across as coping because you're in the exact same position as us after Wano. I'm glad you decided to post normal content now, but let's not paint this as you showing mercy when it's really just you growing up.
It’s funny how people conclude Yamato is never going to sail with Luffy because she delayed her joining, even though Jinbe also delayed his joining, and he still got to sail.
It’s funny how people conclude Yamato is never going to sail with Luffy because she delayed her joining, even though Jinbe also delayed his joining, and he still got to sail.
Jinbe didn't sail right away because of his obligations as the Sun Pirates captain and a Big Mom Pirates ally... Yamato has zero obligations and only has PTSD from Ryokugyu's idiocy...

Yamato will die protecting Wano...
So there was a theory I had that Green Bull would join the strawhats. This was due to Kuzan working for BlackBeard being a former admiral. I advocated for Green Bull due to his behavior, Kuzan, and his powers. You see it has long been speculated that a logia type would join the crew. I held this to some degree of truth. This is reinforced with the parallels I see with Blackbeard. One thing that also caught my attention was Green Bull disobedient. He seem very suspecious. An admiral travels to wano all by himself and tells his subordinates to not tell akainu. Our terrifying fleet admiral might label Green Bull a traitor/spy for this and that is the magic catalyse that might get him to join strawhat.

To put it simple, I suspected that akainu will not take kindly to his employees going behind his back even if they are fan boys. With the parrallel to blackbeard crew and kuzan I believe this raise his chances even if he initially seems to be against Luffy.
It’s funny how people conclude Yamato is never going to sail with Luffy because she delayed her joining, even though Jinbe also delayed his joining, and he still got to sail.
Yeah Jimbei couldn't join because of power reasons, basically Dressrosa with Jimbei would have little tension unless he was massively nerfed.

The SHs are a Yonko crew and Yamato is almost low Yonko level, she would easilly have (if bounties we're accurate) around 2-3 Bil and completly overshadow Zoro/Sanji.

So she suffers the same issue as Jimbei, diference is we had time to up the monster trio so that Jimbei could join, Yamato is insanely strong to overshadow the monster trio and the story is almost over.