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Pythagoras' most important belief was that the physical world was mathematical and that numbers were the real reality
  1. that at its deepest level, reality is mathematical in nature,
  2. that philosophy can be used for spiritual purification,
  3. that the soul can rise to union with the divine,
  4. that certain symbols have a mystical significance, and
  5. that all brothers of the order should observe strict loyalty and secrecy.
Pythagoras is credited for rediscovering what the Indian Rishi Baudhayana discovered 1000 years earlier. Sanatana Dharma FTW
Pythagoras is credited for rediscovering what the Indian Rishi Baudhayana discovered 1000 years earlier. Sanatana Dharma FTW
He believed that human souls go into beans when they died so he taught all his followers to never eat beans. He died when he ran from a killer and stopped at the edge of a bean field and got caught because he would rather die than step on bean plants


I will never forgive Oda
I'm back bitches!

Thanks @TheAncientCenturion for my few months ban break, i needed that shit.

Since i stopped using WorstGen i noticed that One Piece chapters were passing by, i read them and talked about them with my friends IRL for like 5~10 minutes. It has its benefits, i don't get mad or disappointed, but it also has low points, such as not feeling that hyped or caring about the chapters. So i decided to come back, because i want to feel hype and rage about the series again.

9 Days for God of War Ragnarok, let's fucking go!

Bolsonaro lost the election, get fucked! (@Peroroncino i hope you didn't vote for that piece of shit again)

Hello my clown friends again! @Rottkins @Shimotsuki Ghostly

Hello my partner in crime! @Pot Goblin

Ding Ding Ding Ding

So, who can update me on the latest agendas and theories? who are the youtubers we hate now? In fact, i might need to re-read the last few chapters, because i almost didn't register what happened really.​
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