No bruh, you need to act like an adult insted of a child that gets mad because what you wanted didn't happen,
maybe that's the reason your son doesn't like talking to you, you're acting more immature than him
I didn't get mad over anything but your behaviour man.
I was supporting king's defence when i was more active, i did it with yesterday's news and i will continue doing it after this chapter because once again it was proved that many fans talk with their imagination and not with the manga.
It's one thing to have misinformation about something and totally different to read something and claim staff that no one else can read except very few people that share the same opinion.
The truth is that a very serious Sanji that wanted to protect nami attacked serajinbe and didn't put a scratch on him, in fact the whole crew continued attacking without results.
Then you go and said omg sanji was nerfed and did this while on the very same translation explains why sanji can't lift his leg NOW...
He did send baby jinbe away but that nothing to brag about, marco send king flying, the point is who can damage a lunarian and sanji didn't.
My son is too young to tell you what kind of relationship we have but you do well and using against me because i start it

From the other hand you have no other argument