Who's the smartest genius (no cheat codes allowed)?

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Underfunded? Not really, they simply ran out of money due to the sheer size of his projects.
Seraphim must have cost a shit ton of money
The Seraphim weren’t the only thing that Vegapunk was making. Given what Vegapunk says to Dragon in 1066, I think he only makes weapons for the WG so that he can work on the inventions he’s actually interested in


good find this literally confirms they discovered it together

also seems like you didn't read the word alone that means just by himself if vegapunk invented cloning then there is nothing to continue
''research'' doesnt mean ''discovery'' genius i know you arent smart but come on now.
it's vegapunk's great discovery all this says is just kept using vegapunk's work after he left mads
Cope, VP found lineage factor in a book, Judge found a way to copy paste life and it took Vegafraud 20yrs to catch up
I don’t think this was intentional, but Yonji’s line on the right there is kinda funny in retrospect after Vegapunk’s flashback showed that he willingly joined the WG

It’s like Judge is so full of himself and his cloning tech that he thinks everything that Vegapunk does has to be related to his tech in some way


Yupp, and once Vegapunk was left alone he needed 20 years to figure out something Judge did in a month.
Lineage factor from book
-couple months later: Judge creates armies of clones
-20 yrs later: Fraudpunk learns how to copy life
vegapunk did the same thing with kaido's DF and smiles since he needs the animal DNA on them to make smiles :lawsigh:
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