Thread for those who hasnt gotten and will never get vax, and those who never wore and wont wear a mask

Damn what kind of vaccine was that??
Like I said they never gave us any specifics, whenever the military wants to give any kind of shots they just make everyone line up and give everyone the vaccine one by one you aren't given an opportunity to ask a bunch of questions to the person administering the shots because they have hundreds or sometimes thousands of people to get to in a couple hours. By the time you're able to ask any questions the only people around to ask only know what you know. For the Marines all of our Healthcare was done by the navy so asking anyone in our chain of command was pointless
I haven't gotten a single shot since I got out of the military, they used to line us up and give us all kinds of shots that were never explained to us, we even got one in the back of our nasal cavitities back in like 2015 or early 2016 that made everyone sick for like 2 weeks.
I only got covid once since it started after going to a music festival with thousands of people not wearing masks lol, it felt like a hangover and I was sick to my stomach for a couple days but that's it.
I only ever wore a mask around my parents and grandparents not wanting to risk getting them sick but they were all vaccinated and each caught it 2 or 3 times lol
shit,that must have hurt like hell.What was that for?
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Like I said they never gave us any specifics, whenever the military wants to give any kind of shots they just make everyone line up and give everyone the vaccine one by one you aren't given an opportunity to ask a bunch of questions to the person administering the shots because they have hundreds or sometimes thousands of people to get to in a couple hours. By the time you're able to ask any questions the only people around to ask only know what you know. For the Marines all of our Healthcare was done by the navy so asking anyone in our chain of command was pointless
I see.But that is kind fucked up you have to get some injected with something you don't know what it is for.
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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Pfizer, blanked out pages

And it's always funny how Youtube channels have to mention in the videos, that ''it's not their view, it's what the person in the video they react to say'', so that Youtube doesn't bann them. There are alot of channels that got strikes for simply thinking logical and asking things and some even got completely banned from Youtube. Freedom of speech btw.
And once again, it all comes down to one thing: profit. Negative publicity for the vaccines is bad news for potential profits for Pfizer and JNJ. They buy YouTube market share for influence, and tell YouTube what they want on their platform and YT obeys to get that sweet dollar.

Always live by these simple rules in captialist America:
1- Controversy always generates the most revenue for news media
2. Good publicity and hiveminds generates the most revenue for medicine and retail industries
3. You can use truths and facts to tell lies and push falsehoods.
It wasn't exactly an injection, like there wasn't a needle, it was similar like a small syringe without a needle, they just stuck it up there held the other nostril closed and told us to sniff hard when they shot the vaccine up there
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And once again, it all comes down to one thing: profit. Negative publicity for the vaccines is bad news for potential profits for Pfizer and JNJ. They buy YouTube market share for influence, and tell YouTube what they want on their platform and YT obeys to get that sweet dollar.

Always live by these simple rules in captialist America:
1- Controversy always generates the most revenue for news media
2. Good publicity and hiveminds generates the most revenue for medicine and retail industries
3. You can use truths and facts to tell lies and push falsehoods.
Number three:should be you can make up numbers to justify bullshit.It is a world wide phenomena,unfortunately.
And once again, it all comes down to one thing: profit. Negative publicity for the vaccines is bad news for potential profits for Pfizer and JNJ. They buy YouTube market share for influence, and tell YouTube what they want on their platform and YT obeys to get that sweet dollar.

Always live by these simple rules in captialist America:
1- Controversy always generates the most revenue for news media
2. Good publicity and hiveminds generates the most revenue for medicine and retail industries
3. You can use truths and facts to tell lies and push falsehoods.
This. People gotta think more economically. Nobody in power cares about morals and the good of our society. Just the sweet cash which will open them every door.


Cope Doctor
i think we talked with each other about this in some thread.Didn't you work with wood cutting or something?
I work in forestry, yes... mostly with bush cutters . I only started last year in summer. but I found myself , I dont want any other job... I work my own time when I want. If I want to have free day I have free day. Im my own boss... the important is only to finish deadlines