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:myman:Shanks irl
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Big News Morgans hype!

- Morgans joins the Revolutionaries and get's a huge bounty, the WG calls him Fake News Morgans: Bounty - 2.74B
- Morgans piping belo Betty and koala puts down his cigar looks at dragon tells him he wants to start the biggest war the world has ever seen "I'm not krydo so I'm not joking"

CoC: Color of Clowns

Call me Barqbeard, the Shaggy
Chapter 1068: Open Season

-CP0 reaches Egghead. Lucci takes S Kuma, Stuffy and Kaku go another way
-Kaku leaps up to scan the area. Sees a man sneaking around. Guess who?

-Stussy seduces, then knocks out, Caribou. Carrot falls out of Caribou's Swamp.
-Carrot was kidnapped in Wano after asking Caribou for help sneaking onto the Sunny

-Carrot mistakes Kaku for Usopp. Stussy recognizes Carrot from WCI, and Kaku chases Carrot

-Carrot runs to Sunny, saying Usopp-mask is trying to kill her
-Zoro realizes it's Kaku, and smiles with bloodlust

-Lucci is nearing an entrance to the lab, someone walks out
-It's Smoker, wearing steam punk armor, which seems to be powered by his smoke powers.

Text Box: Smoker, Marine Vice Admiral. Vice-Captain of Sword.

Smoker: "The world is going to hell, shouldn't you government stooges be doing something more useful than harassing old men?"
Lucci (smiles): "Ah, aren't you the Marine who always takes credit for Mugiwara's victories? Don't worry..." (goes hybrid Leopard) "I'll tell the papers you died a hero, tragically trying to save the great Dr. Vegapunk from Pirates."

No break next week


Chapter 1068: Open Season

-CP0 reaches Egghead. Lucci takes S Kuma, Stuffy and Kaku go another way
-Kaku leaps up to scan the area. Sees a man sneaking around. Guess who?

-Stussy seduces, then knocks out, Caribou. Carrot falls out of Caribou's Swamp.
-Carrot was kidnapped in Wano after asking Caribou for help sneaking onto the Sunny

-Carrot mistakes Kaku for Usopp. Stussy recognizes Carrot from WCI, and Kaku chases Carrot

-Carrot runs to Sunny, saying Usopp-mask is trying to kill her
-Zoro realizes it's Kaku, and smiles with bloodlust

-Lucci is nearing an entrance to the lab, someone walks out
-It's Smoker, wearing steam punk armor, which seems to be powered by his smoke powers.

Text Box: Smoker, Marine Vice Admiral. Vice-Captain of Sword.

Smoker: "The world is going to hell, shouldn't you government stooges be doing something more useful than harassing old men?"
Lucci (smiles): "Ah, aren't you the Marine who always takes credit for Mugiwara's victories? Don't worry..." (goes hybrid Leopard) "I'll tell the papers you died a hero, tragically trying to save the great Dr. Vegapunk from Pirates."

No break next week
Might have to delete my account nobody should be allowed to witness such peak fiction
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