Speculations Rocks could be the father of some of Big Mom's children

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
We all know Rocks was a crazy mutherfucker, so, I think he fucked Big Mom. The dates match up, since she had kids while on Rocks' crew. I won't go into the specifics right now (might edit the post with all the possibilities later) but the funniest possibility by far is Brulee. Yes. Brulee could be the daughter of Rocks D. Xebec, as she was born while Big Mom was on his crew.

Big Mom HATED Rocks, apparently, but, Big Mom dislike plenty of her husbands: she fucked them to make powerful children, and children from different races. Rocks is a powerhouse, so wanting his kids make sense for her.

The issue is that we don't know EXACTLY WHEN Big Mom joined Rocks. We know Kaido joined Rocks 44 years ago, and that Big Mom was on the crew at that time, so any kids, making Charlotte Zuccotto the first confirmable candidate to be Rocks' child, I believe. However, if Big Mom joined much earlier, it's possible other older Charlotte children, like Cracker, are Rocks' kids as well.

Since the God Valley incident was 38 years ago, we can rule out any children 9 months or so past then... so, 38 year olds are still possible, but, most likely, they would be 37 years old or younger. After this incident, Rocks apparently met his doom, so this is the last chance Big Mom had to bake his bun in her baby maker.

This makes Mont-D'or (38), or Mozart and Marnier (twin sisters, both 37), the last possible children Rocks could have produced with Big Mom.

Since we don't know exactly when Big Mom met Rocks, it's hard to determine when she could have fucked him first.

While there are long-neck children earlier, and then Opera's quintuplets that look like a potential different race, once we reach Cracker on the list, we can go all the way to Mont-D'or without seeing any children with non-human features. None of the ones I looked up in that range were listed as races beyond being normal humans (they just look goofy because One Piece). It's possible those children just haven't had their other races revealed yet, but, it looks like Big Mom was less concerned about racial diversity when it came to making children when she was younger, and was just fucking powerful pirates to make the strongest initial family/crew possible.

There is an another aspect of this: Katakuri was born 48 years ago, God Valley was 38 years ago. It's very likely that Big Mom's youngest kids knew Rocks directly. I'd expect this information to come into play soon.

Even if Big Mom didn't mate with Rocks, her children knowing about Rocks should lead to some interesting lore stuff in the future.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
I think Madara --- ah I mean Charlotte Raisin is the child of Xebec imo.

I've seen so much Naruto stuff on this forum that this joke made me laugh hard, even though I haven't seen much Naruto...

You've got a good point, he has the looks.

I just don't want it to turn out that Whitebeard had a kid with Big Mom.

If Oda retcons Whitebeard into a deadbeat dad after he died I'm going to lose my fucking mind.
We all know Rocks was a crazy mutherfucker, so, I think he fucked Big Mom. The dates match up, since she had kids while on Rocks' crew. I won't go into the specifics right now (might edit the post with all the possibilities later) but the funniest possibility by far is Brulee. Yes. Brulee could be the daughter of Rocks D. Xebec, as she was born while Big Mom was on his crew.

Big Mom HATED Rocks, apparently, but, Big Mom dislike plenty of her husbands: she fucked them to make powerful children, and children from different races. Rocks is a powerhouse, so wanting his kids make sense for her.

The issue is that we don't know EXACTLY WHEN Big Mom joined Rocks. We know Kaido joined Rocks 44 years ago, and that Big Mom was on the crew at that time, so any kids, making Charlotte Zuccotto the first confirmable candidate to be Rocks' child, I believe. However, if Big Mom joined much earlier, it's possible other older Charlotte children, like Cracker, are Rocks' kids as well.

Since the God Valley incident was 38 years ago, we can rule out any children 9 months or so past then... so, 38 year olds are still possible, but, most likely, they would be 37 years old or younger. After this incident, Rocks apparently met his doom, so this is the last chance Big Mom had to bake his bun in her baby maker.

This makes Mont-D'or (38), or Mozart and Marnier (twin sisters, both 37), the last possible children Rocks could have produced with Big Mom.

Since we don't know exactly when Big Mom met Rocks, it's hard to determine when she could have fucked him first.

While there are long-neck children earlier, and then Opera's quintuplets that look like a potential different race, once we reach Cracker on the list, we can go all the way to Mont-D'or without seeing any children with non-human features. None of the ones I looked up in that range were listed as races beyond being normal humans (they just look goofy because One Piece). It's possible those children just haven't had their other races revealed yet, but, it looks like Big Mom was less concerned about racial diversity when it came to making children when she was younger, and was just fucking powerful pirates to make the strongest initial family/crew possible.

There is an another aspect of this: Katakuri was born 48 years ago, God Valley was 38 years ago. It's very likely that Big Mom's youngest kids knew Rocks directly. I'd expect this information to come into play soon.

Even if Big Mom didn't mate with Rocks, her children knowing about Rocks should lead to some interesting lore stuff in the future.
Big Meme was actually hot back then so banging her wouldn't be that bad probably. :gokulaugh:


The Sol King
If Rocks knew about Big Mom's dream of making a powerful family by breeding with numerous men, he might have purposefully avoided fucking her.

And I doubt any BM pirate is relevant enough to give such a big origin, especially at this point in the story.

Gorosei Informer

Lmfao oh god no please!


If Oda retcons Whitebeard into a deadbeat dad after he died I'm going to lose my fucking mind.
Weevil is making this is a legitimate possibility unfortunately. His scars around his face and arm, which also align with Crocodile who was brutally wounded and thus scarred from stitches for those wounds too.

Oda has just done this with Shanks in Film Red too so I'd be really surprised if he doesn't do with Whitebeard and Blackbeard somehow. Even Akainu is teased to be a father going by some symbolism and analysis people have done, with that new girl who appeared in Sword. Hibari or w/e her name was?

Crocodile has a scar across his face and so does Weevil but Weevils is more vertical/diagonal ofc.

Croc is missing his left hand and just happened to replace it with a gold hook, Weevil has stitching scars all around his left wrist, like he lost his left hand and it was reattached. We've seen that freaking mountain boar god get sliced in half by Oden and surely dead but like Hiyori in Bleach, apparently thats not enough to kill you and we've not seen Hogback post TS so I've suspected if Weevil could be his doing somehow too, as he was the Frankenstein/Dr Moreau of One Piece and thus was associated with zombification and stitched together body parts as we saw with Absalom especially ofc.

We know Crocodile is wealthy now from the Cross Guild reveal and didn't Whitebeard hoard a ton of treasure to send to his hometown to help its economy and thus the town itself recover and thrive ultimately?

I'm probably overthinking this and way off since its Oda ofc, I mean I was deep diving the theory that Law and Doflamingo were poisoning Whitebeard too and I wanted Law to be associated with/working under Whitebeard too lol.

We still don't know what Crocodile's big secret is, why Ivankov knows it too nor why Oda Crocs face at Rogers execution but we also have 2 ways to change gender now in OP too at least and Oda turned his random drawing of female Law and thus the merch of "her" into a canon moment for Law so whose to say something similar may not happen with Crocodile and he was genderswapped by Ivankov for whatever reason and thats his big secret and the most popular theory about Crocodile coming true then?

Big Meme was actually hot back then so banging her wouldn't be that bad probably. :gokulaugh:


Sasaki Kojirō

Ace was said to have the potential to stand atop of the world by virtue of being Roger's son. And that's Roger fucking a nobody. What kind of breed would the child of Big Mom and Xebec be? He would've replaced Big Mom as a Yonko long time ago.

Ace's mother was a D.

In Japanese: ポートガス・D・ルージュ

Romanized Name: Pōtogasu D Rūju

English name: Portgas D. Rouge

But if you mean a "Roger fucking a nobody" in the sense of strength, sure.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Make sense,

A Chad like Rocks probably too much temptation for kid craving Big mom to resists
Kaido: "Linlin, where the hell were you last night? We were having another drinking contest!"
Big Mom: "Mamamamama, I was fucking Rocks! I want his babies, mamamama!"