Controversial Alot of leftist belief is inherently racist

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Even jim crow era is so old, That it has no barring on how things are in the modern day but that's how you know black people are living good now most of the opression argued for existing, Is ether entirely historical ie past events not relevant today or just general low income class problems ie shit even i deal with


Welcome to the House of Hope
1804 was when slavery was abolished
there's no way, something older then ww2 could possibly have any affect on the current generation of black men much less their grandparent's generation

WW2 was done since the late 1940s and certainly that has no affect on anyone despite being much more recent then the 1800s when slavery was around for

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Go look up Black Wall Street if you want to know why there is an absence of black investors compared to white ones lol.

But there are definitely black investors who work to improve black communities, they are just nowhere near as common as white investors as black communities are stuck in cycles of poverty like I said above.
They are stuck in the cycle because no one fucking invests in area with high crimes

There is absolutely zero evidence that investing in police decreases crime. Are you just here to repeat the propaganda you’ve heard on podcasts or do you actually have studies and data to back up your claim? Crime statistics show that more policing does not equal less crime, more policing simply equals more people arrested for committing crimes.

Guess which communities are over policed lol? And then you talk about lack of fatherhood, because all the fathers are in jail to supply free labor for capitalism lol.
Bruh i grew up in fucking Balkans in the poorest region of my country. I work in the court.

You know how i know.proper policing works? I see it every day at work

We have high crime areas just like any other country. And when police does their job the crime rate drops a lot in those areas for a period of time

Police is a deterent.
You are less likely to do a crime if there is an chance you would get caught or killed

Police isnt perfect, but it works.
Another problem is US police being dong shit bcs of only 6 month training period

Because schools are funded by property taxes and black communities are trapped in poverty by predatory capitalism and are thus underfunded.
How is a fault of capitalism students wont fucking learn for better education in black areas but wotks superbly well in white areas?

Unless you can afford private schooling in the US which is retardedly expensive, you don’t get to decide which schools your kids go to lol. They go to the school in their district which if you live in a poor district, is underfunded.
Dude my school barely had heating during winters and we NEVER had situations like US has

Black People.need to take some responsibility for their communities. If not no wonder no one will invest

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Yeah we’re done here lmfao. Purely an anecdotal worldview, you don’t know how to think rationally and could never make it in higher education lol.

I work daily with criminals and police, my dad is police chief last 25 years, my uncle is former police.

I understand how police works very well. I understand their M.O.

And for the most part police here does a very good job on policing comunities, even those with higher criminal rates.

And we are one of the poorest regions in the continent.
He knew his ambitions were unrealistic in that day and age.
Ofc they were
it was jim crow times lol

1960s was the years where jim crow laws were in place

Same timeframe where civil rights movement occured

Race relations were nonexistent and the idea of treating others equally regardless of skin tone was a retarded idea at least for how people of the time saw it, Same kinda applies today with woke leftists who need bad race relations for their narratives to work

I personally dislike both race realist leftists who wanna stoke division and jim crow era racists as both play on division between races to gather attention for themselves

I stand by the mlk jr sentiment of judge by character not anything else, That was my value as a child and it still would be now

and you can dislike that if you like and disagree by citing a mlk jr video which in no way says my statement of judge on character not race was a lie
but that's your dishonest prerogative not mine

Saying a group of people isn't oppressed without walking a single day in their shoes reeks of privilege

and your an utter moron if you buy this argument
White straight men are most opressed and well your not a white man who's straight so clearly you reek of privilege

your logic never applies equally cause your arguing on ideology not logic
and you can have beliefs but argue on logic, it's not work even christans do it eg clearly there has a be a god as animals are complex something which cant occur in a survival of the fittest evolution model

Not to say, I agree with their argument regarding that matter but at least they make a claim for their delusions where you cant even do that instead saying you aint black so shut up

Something which is very racist as it presumes cause im white, I cannot empathize or understand how others feel just cause of race
And sadly this is very consistent trend among liberals with even biden quoting the sentiment of if you dont like my leftist policies then you must not be black and therefore cant understand what's said as if that's any different too, You dont understand white people so you shouldt go to the same schools

Me opposing utter racists like biden and you makes me bad, Maybe my ideals or beliefs didt change to match up with current leftist ideology but dont really care when your platform exists to stoke racial conflict with movements like blm

Ideally we should want better race relations not worse but liberals need conflict for votes so stoke division then call me the badguy for pointing it out

Also, the largest beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women; look it up.
more white women then black people at least in america
it's not cause of racism, You keep jumping to crazy conclusions without understanding what's ongoing with the subject matter
Racism in America is still institutionalized. It is carved in the very fabric of the country. Taking affirmative action is not about trying to be "white saviors". but removing what has been holding minorities back for them to carve themselves a path forward in whatever way they desire. Claiming racism is a thing of the past that ended with Jim Crow is ignorant at best, and disingenuously racist at worst.
you cant prove any specific targeting of black people beyond what can be also applied upon to white people
Read some or watch some sociology content, plus I don't have to prove anything to you, the discrimination is a sociological fact, this is a consensus, it's YOU who need to prove that it doesn't exist. The burden of proof is on you, not us.

And thus far, you have proven nothing but the fact that you are missinformed and completely bias on the subject.

what they are all hardcore libs like you
The fact that you call me an hard core lib just show how little you know about the actual subject of social justice. I'm as lib as the orange pumpkin is queen elysabeth.

I have heard so many black segregation comments not from white supremacists but from liberals who also like jim crow think race mixing
Spoiler: liberalism is a gateway to systematic racism so yeah.. i'm not surprised. Again, You are pointing to the wrong problem.

Your citation is from a black lib, who's a race realist
not biased whatsoever
Lot less bias than you mate. And much more knowledgable about the subject than you. Don't twist MLK words, you don't understand for what he fought.

This quote is actually going against your case of a colorblind society mate.

The modern, black race realist group are clearly trying as hard as humanly possible to assert their racist views on the man who's beliefs and ideals founded the very definition of racism which loads of people not named carrot and likeminded left wing racists
Yeah.. You don't understand racism at all.

then you would focus on the stuff which every person can get down with but instead you focus on the divisive stuff preventing you from getting much of anywhere
The only one who divide here is you.

You have made HOW MANY ? thread to point out that the people whose belief you don't understand were wrong ? Yeah.. exactly. Plenty. You are the divisive one here. Not us. You don't understand militantism so you reject it because it doesn't suit your point of view.

Too bad.. you confusionnists and right wingers are losing and soon, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next year or in a decade.. but humanly soon, that confusionnist BS will be gone.. and we will finally be able to speak without having orange pumkins, climate deniers, nazi apologist, confusionnist, antifeminist masculinist in our ways.. soon .. soon. Humanity will be freed from bullshit.

if you just went after the rich and had some of the more radical stuff proposed later on then you would win
Going only after the rich means you are forgetting to bring the oppressed with you, meaning you are losing people in the quest for equity.

It's a lose lose situation. The end of capitalism will only suceeds with a struggle convergeance, if you forget people while you fight, you are no better than capitalists.

It's like with kanye, his diehard supporters will be there regardless
No, not if we move the overton windows to the left. You point of view is fatalist.

if your actually looking for your group to progress any appealing to solely your fringe group wont help will only make as you enclosed to the rest of the human race as the right wing would be
The convergeance of struggle is simple:

One for all, all for one.

By defending the one, we help ourselves in the long run because the more we are, the best we fight for one objective. Convergeance of struggle is actually pretty simple to accomplish, but for that, we need confusionnist like you either, understanding the concept or out of the way.

im not the one who defends racism
Noone here is defending racism, stop being a Usopp damned confusionnist.

he supports abortion and immigration
he's left wing
Only by political interest. Is long run policy is liberal: meaning right. The left side of the right, but right nonetheless.. the concept of merit and all those myth if you will..

Left and right wing only mean so far as the positions and policies you hold
The left exist because the right exist. It's as simple as that.

To make you understand why I'm saying that:

The left viewpoint is only here to enters in opposition to the right viewpoint. The best example is the notion of merit.

The left knows that this notion is not a reality. The right keeps feeding the myth. Why ? Because interests.

When you live you life thinking you deserve what you have, you can't understand social struggle. unless you question yourself and your beliefs.

By this example, you can understand that the left side only exist because there is a "wrong" side. To counter someone who is wrong, you need to stay away and speak back. That's what i'm doing here.

You are wrong. You don't understand racism, you don't understand social and racial struggle and you don't understand that only by fighting inequity will you be able to create real equity. Oda knows that, that's why their are all sort of social struggle in One Piece, it's not just about a power struggle it's far deeper than that. It's the same in real life.

Social struggle don't cancel Class struggles, they empower them.

however cause im not a ideologue and dont strictly follow any group to it's exact letter
Dude.. you are following a liberal confusionnist pattern (leaning on right wing arguments). It's nothing new. Questionning the struggle of racialized leftist, twisting MLK rhetoric, saying that their leftist ideas are racist.. that a pure product of the power in place. A paradigm that is fed back by right wing and facist groups and medias like the tucker turd.

You are only proving that you are the tool of the power here.
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read some sociology, plus I don't have to prove anything to you, the discrimination is a sociological fact, this is a consensus, it's YOU who need to prove that it doesn't exist. The burden of proof is on you, not us.

And thus far, you have proven nothing but the fact that you are missinformed and completely bias on the subject.

The fact that you call me an hard core lib just show how little you know about the actual subject of social justice. I'm as lib as the orange pumpkin is queen elysabeth.

Spoiler: liberalism is a gateway to systematic racism so yeah.. i'm not surprised. Again, You are pointing to the wrong problem.

Lot less bias than you mate. And much more knowledgable about the subject than you. Don't twist MLK words, you don't understand for what he fought.

This quote is actually going against your case of a colorblind society mate.

Yeah.. You don't understand racism at all.

The only one who divide here is you.

You have made HOW MANY ? thread to point out that the people whose belief you don't understand were wrong ? Yeah.. exactly. Plenty. You are the divisive one here. Not us. You don't understand militantism so you reject it because it doesn't suit your point of view.

Too bad.. you confusionnists and right wingers are losing and soon, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next year or in a decade.. but humanly soon, that confusionnist BS will be gone.. and we will finally be able to speak without having orange pumkins, climate deniers, nazi apologist, confusionnist, antifeminist masculinist in our ways.. soon .. soon. Humanity will be freed from bullshit.

Going only after the rich means you are forgetting to bring the oppressed with you, meaning you are losing people in the quest for equity.

It's a lose lose situation. The end of capitalism will only suceeds with a struggle convergeance, if you forget people while you fight, you are no better than capitalists.

No, not if we move the overton windows to the left. You point of view is fatalist.

The convergeance of struggle is simple:

One for all, all for one.

By defending the one, we help ourselves in the long run because the more we are, the best we fight for one objective. Convergeance of struggle is actually pretty simple to accomplish, but for that, we need confusionnist like you either, understanding the concept or out of the way.

Noone here is defending racism, stop being a Usopp damned confusionnist.

Only by political interest. Is long run policy is liberal: meaning right. The left side of the right, but right nonetheless.. the concept of merit and all those myth if you will..

The left exist because the right exist. It's as simple as that.

To make you understand why I'm saying that:

The left viewpoint is only here to enters in opposition to the right viewpoint. The best example is the notion of merit.

The left knows that this notion is not a reality. The right keeps feeding the myth. Why ? Because interests.

When you live you life thinking you deserve what you have, you can't understand social struggle. unless you question yourself and your beliefs.

By this example, you can understand that the left side only exist because there is a "wrong" side. To counter someone who is wrong, you need to stay away and speak back. That's what i'm doing here.

You are wrong. You don't understand racism, you don't understand social and racial struggle and you don't understand that only by fighting inequity will you be able to create real equity. Oda knows that, that's why their are all sort of social struggle in One Piece, it's not just about a power struggle it's far deeper than that. It's the same in real life.

Social struggle don't cancel Class struggles, they empower them.

Dude.. you are following a liberal confusionnist pattern (leaning on right wing arguments). It's nothing new. Questionning the struggle of racialized leftist, twisting MLK rhetoric, saying that their leftist ideas are racist.. that a pure product of the power in place. A paradigm that is fed back by right wing and facist groups and medias like the tucker turd.

You are only proving that you are the tool of the power here.
People forget that MLK was a full blown socialist who advocated for redistribution of wealth and free healthcare. His legacy has been whitewashed by those same institutions that ended his life in the first place. This guy equates Liberals with leftists smh.
Claiming racism is a thing of the past that ended with Jim Crow is ignorant at best,
There's still many racists as this thread certainly does prove
but no longer institutionalized and it has been that way since the jim crow era

Unless im missing something major
such as a law of some kind

dont think it would be anything that major anyway, black people are allowed to work anywhere they deem fit now and allowed to sit wherever they want now on buses infact had a cute dark skinned chick sit next to me on the bus just the other day

Taking affirmative action is not about trying to be "white saviors
misquoting me
but yea, The action of helping one over another on the basis of their race would be racist

if you helped a white girl getting raped over a black girl or vice versa that would be racist, you neglected the needs of one cause you value the safety of one race more
not the best example ig but you get the point, preferential treatment itself is racist least if it's done on the basis of race

Would you not say, women getting paid less then men is sexist, Why would same logic not apply to affirmative action


I think having this idea that black people are oppressed and unable to help themselves so they need things like affrimtive action to make them more successful is inherently racist as it presumes they cant do it on their own on the basis of their skin color.

It's such a white savior complex that these liberals tend to have, It's really apparent too cause they call people who conservative and black things like coon and not a real black man because to these people, your skin color aint just your melanin count or your genetics but rather your sociological or cultural beliefs which if aint already obivous is quite racist

And the funny thing, despite right wingers being seen as the racist
Do you know who calls jesse lee peterson racial slurs? That's right it's mostly left wingers

And another thing too, the left will often make comments about using groups as political tools when that's their entire platform
They appeal to lgbt,blm and feminism
the left only using these groups to get in power . once it has total control. which is nearly done.
they will kick all these groups to the curb. as they won't need them.

and then we'll see the real face of left. just another power hungry group . but the worst kind that leads to authrotrain control, communism and famine.


Life Is Good ✌️
Ofc they were
it was jim crow times lol

1960s was the years where jim crow laws were in place

Same timeframe where civil rights movement occured

Race relations were nonexistent and the idea of treating others equally regardless of skin tone was a retarded idea at least for how people of the time saw it, Same kinda applies today with woke leftists who need bad race relations for their narratives to work

I personally dislike both race realist leftists who wanna stoke division and jim crow era racists as both play on division between races to gather attention for themselves

I stand by the mlk jr sentiment of judge by character not anything else, That was my value as a child and it still would be now

and you can dislike that if you like and disagree by citing a mlk jr video which in no way says my statement of judge on character not race was a lie
but that's your dishonest prerogative not mine

and your an utter moron if you buy this argument
White straight men are most opressed and well your not a white man who's straight so clearly you reek of privilege

your logic never applies equally cause your arguing on ideology not logic
and you can have beliefs but argue on logic, it's not work even christans do it eg clearly there has a be a god as animals are complex something which cant occur in a survival of the fittest evolution model

Not to say, I agree with their argument regarding that matter but at least they make a claim for their delusions where you cant even do that instead saying you aint black so shut up

Something which is very racist as it presumes cause im white, I cannot empathize or understand how others feel just cause of race
And sadly this is very consistent trend among liberals with even biden quoting the sentiment of if you dont like my leftist policies then you must not be black and therefore cant understand what's said as if that's any different too, You dont understand white people so you shouldt go to the same schools

Me opposing utter racists like biden and you makes me bad, Maybe my ideals or beliefs didt change to match up with current leftist ideology but dont really care when your platform exists to stoke racial conflict with movements like blm

Ideally we should want better race relations not worse but liberals need conflict for votes so stoke division then call me the badguy for pointing it out

more white women then black people at least in america
it's not cause of racism, You keep jumping to crazy conclusions without understanding what's ongoing with the subject matter
Fuck Biden first and foremost. Second you resorting to name calling shows how ignorant you are. I also enjoy it when white men say they are oppressed, very funny lol. I'm not left not right, I'm an independent. My grandparents (still alive) lived through Jim Crow and had 3 business destroyed in 3 different states by white supremacists. The scars of the past still remain with them. My great grandfather fought in WW2 and was denied the GI Bill that was promised to all soldiers, but white soldiers could utilize it. The ripple effects impact generational wealth. Also look up the definition of racist versus prejudice, read a book versus Wikipedia and memes. I also never said you couldn't empathize with someone of another race, but saying what they are feeling and experiencing is false, is bullshit. Have a good one kid.
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the left only using these groups to get in power . once it has total control. which is nearly done.
they will kick all these groups to the curb. as they won't need them.

and then we'll see the real face of left. just another power hungry group . but the worst kind that leads to authrotrain control, communism and famine.
:seriously: and doomsday will appear and the plague will come back and the big one will destroy the earth and Apophis will end us all and.. yawn
There's still many racists as this thread certainly does prove
but no longer institutionalized and it has been that way since the jim crow era

Unless im missing something major
such as a law of some kind

dont think it would be anything that major anyway, black people are allowed to work anywhere they deem fit now and allowed to sit wherever they want now on buses infact had a cute dark skinned chick sit next to me on the bus just the other day

misquoting me
but yea, The action of helping one over another on the basis of their race would be racist

if you helped a white girl getting raped over a black girl or vice versa that would be racist, you neglected the needs of one cause you value the safety of one race more
not the best example ig but you get the point, preferential treatment itself is racist least if it's done on the basis of race

Would you not say, women getting paid less then men is sexist, Why would same logic not apply to affirmative action
I'm part of a minority group and as an immigrant i've felt how institutionalized racism is. Just because it's not surface level does that mean it isn't there. The majority of the prison population is overwhelmingly African American. If you see economic inequality, it is alway african americans that are at the bottom of the economic scale. Are you implying this is because they're the problem. Seems to me like centuries of oppression and lack of opportunity has held back these communities for a long time. We still force the prison population into doing unpaid labor in many instances.

That example about rape is mad weird bro.
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the left only using these groups to get in power . once it has total control. which is nearly done.
they will kick all these groups to the curb. as they won't need them.

and then we'll see the real face of left. just another power hungry group . but the worst kind that leads to authrotrain control, communism and famine.
That is implying that POC are not part of these movements and it is only white people trying to control them. Beyond delusional.
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if you think Joe Biden is left you need to fucking leave the country for a bit and look at what real "mildly" center left governments really look like. Your brains have been rotted by PragerU and Ben Shapiro.
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Don't worry guys, Ted Cruz is coming to save you from pronouns and the black little mermaid.
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Who knows what these leftists will do next. Next thing you know they'll make batman gay, just like what they did to the frogs.
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I'm part of a minority group and as an immigrant i've felt how institutionalized racism is. Just because it's not surface level does that mean it isn't there. The majority of the prison population is overwhelmingly African American. If you see economic inequality, it is alway african americans that are at the bottom of the economic ladder. Are you implying this is because they're the problem? Seems to me like centuries of oppression and lack of opportunity has held back these communities for a long time. We still force the prison population into doing unpaid labor in many instances btw.

That example about rape is mad weird bro.
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That is implying that POC are not part of these movements and it is only white people trying to control them. Beyond delusional.
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if you think Joe Biden is left you need to fucking leave the country for a bit and look at what real "mildly" center left governments really look like. Your brains have been rotted by PragerU and Ben Shapiro.
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Don't worry guys, Ted Cruz is coming to save you from pronouns and the black little mermaid.


i don't even care what these leftist or rightist retards call themselves or each others. just keep away from the econmy .

but alas they can't help fuck it up . espically leftist.
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