Future Events Kizaru in Egghead.

So, what's gonna be Kizaru's role in the Egghead Arc?

I don't know if a psycho like him would ally with SHs, even considering his relation with Sentomaru or even VP ( If he truly has some sort of relation with him ).
Anyway, the arc just got a lot more exciting after this.
Nothing, Akainu gave him orders to not engage. He's going to be stopped by Zoro after Luffy jobs to Lucci, Kaku, Stussy and the Seraphim. He'll leave when Akainu calls him back. :myman:
A symbol to show that the strawhats don’t need to flee from admirals anymore. I think a scenario where Zoro pulls a Rayleigh 2.0 and successfully holds him off, showing he doesn’t need to be saved like the last time, Kizaru’s usual interaction w right hand men. Or Luffy could fight him as payback for the trauma caused to them at Sabaody and the helplessness he felt back then, monkey vs monkey.
What I see him doing this arc
-Kizaru finds sentomaru and proceeds to neg CP0
-He goes up and destroys punk records(marines seem to know about cp0's mission)
-even though he spares vegapunks life VP probably dies trying to recover all his knowledge that got destroyed
-we learn about his relation with VP and get some sort of flashback
-He goes after the SH and we see a short clash but kuma bails them out
-one of the remaining punks(shaka) tags along