I see the well is tapped.
Feel free to disengage now. It's okay.
Hara established the Zhao cavalry and their horses as the best in the land
hundreds of chapters ago. Complain all you want about it, you'll just be whining over the fact he's being consistent.
Kan Ki's smiles are as bullshit as his outwardly indifference. He's just a sad little boy on the inside acting out against the world. He lacked the strength to put his past behind him, so he takes out his trauma on the weak.
Kan Ki is a bitch.
He's a textbook bully, but even bullies get bullied, and he wasn't smiling when the Zenou clan started dropping like flies, was he?
That Kan Ki has managed to surprise and even shock Ri Boku in this manner has come only
after Ri Boku has already utterly destroyed his army. In fact, it's only
because Ri Boku has thoroughly trounced Kan Ki so far that he didn't anticipate an ambush.
This ambush is a ballsy move, sure, what has it achieved so far? Nothing, aside from dead elites, now including Shu Ma, and soon enough Zenou.
Imagine denying being a Kan Ki stan but hanging your hat on Ri Boku looking shocked for a couple of panels. Gee, it's not like we haven't seen that a million times before. The more certain Ri Boku is in his predictions, the more likely he'll be proven completely incorrect. I recall many a Kan Ki stan reveling in this not too long ago.