Future Events Do you think void century flashback will be underwhelming?

Depends on what you want from it

If you want a super serious/dark explanation, then yeah it'll probably be a bit disappointing (Mainly cause it doesn't look like the series is going in that direction). But I'm personally okay with it being something more lighthearted/whimsical


The Sol King
I just hope its not too generic, maybe include a twist like "The Ancient kingdom wasn't really a force of good". Maybe show us the 20 kings and make them decent instead of looking like saint Charlos.
Also no need to pull something like "The AK only lost because of a betrayal.", that was already done with Oden&Orochi.
Oda has deluded an overwhelming majority of people that Luffy, a pirate who inspires piracy is a hero, when luffy himself does not think or care about being a hero.

One piece has become throne wars. The only thing that falters at this point is incest.

The void century for me will be a messianic let down because luffy has easily become the worst ever main character i have read of any fiction
only if you have spend too many hours watching op fanfiction (always called "theory") and are now expecting certain things that oda never intended
i don't think the void century flashback will prominently feature an afro for example.
only if you have spend too many hours watching op fanfiction (always called "theory") and are now expecting certain things that oda never intended
i don't think the void century flashback will prominently feature an afro for example.
I am well aware of what oda's goals are
Asking the experts @lee33 @Pooth
Your thoughts ?
Ty for calling in the experts lol.

It will definitely be underwhelming since Oda himself still doesn't know what the void century is about. All of a sudden he created ancient robots out his rear end without any prior development. Void century will be tied to something similar to Plato's Atlantis since Wano backstory of the "lost city" and sky pea being "city of gold" is a direct reference to Plato's Atlantis. Oda is reading Plato's work as we speak right now to gather ideas he can plagiarize from him lmao.
Ty for calling in the experts lol.

It will definitely be underwhelming since Oda himself still doesn't know what the void century is about. All of a sudden he created ancient robots out his rear end without any prior development. Void century will be tied to something similar to Plato's Atlantis since Wano backstory of the "lost city" and sky pea being "city of gold" is a direct reference to Plato's Atlantis. Oda is reading Plato's work as we speak right now to gather ideas he can plagiarize from him lmao.
On the subject of Atlantis. Imu - Mu is another name for Atlantis in mythology.
No, I expect something serious and maybe a good twist, but it will be lighthearted.

It's also a 20 years long secret, Oda isn't living up to it in no way, that I would read and say " damn that's peak "

But that's like my taste.

The full messiah vibe that Luffy is going now I don't enjoy one bit and the ancient lore will be that with Nika.

I just don't like choosen ones and Messiah plots.

I can enjoy stories about it, but I don't vibe with it
Like many things i imagined before and got revealed later , i think yes , will not be exactly the peak of fiction for me , but will be something to remember.