General & Others What is Oda trying to say about people who fight S-Snake?

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I mean overcome with emotion could mean overcome with cuteness. And they do seem to be playing into that with S-Snake
I’ll admit it’s kinda weird but that’s more in line with OP’s brand of humor IMO
Damn always defending
No matter how much we tried to explaining to you
Its okay
Just defend a pedo
It shows one piece community is toxic
A humor??!
After oda make robin take a bath with momonosuke
Next time just make zoro take a bath with tama
And we called it a "humor"
Are we seriously falling again for the old troupe " she looks like a child , so you're a pedo. But if she's looks like a child and she's 300 years old it's ok" ???

Besides , remember the lust thing first came up as an excuse to not turn Luffy into a stone , but later on Hancock was able to turn into stone pretty much everything

So her power is inconsistent as hell and we can't use the lust logic for everything

But hey , i wouldn't be surprise if Oda had introduced the lunarian race and seraphim just as an excuse to draw a tanned-loli version of Hancock
Mansherry is a consenting adult, S-Snake is a child. End of debate.
Except that they weren’t sexually attracted to Mansherry, Part of her gag is that is that she’s all cutsey
Anyway, my point is that people having heart eyes from cuteness is something that has a precedent in the series
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Isn't age of consent like 13 in Japan?
Not really no
Except that they weren’t sexually attracted to Mansherry, Part of her gag is that is that she’s all cutsey
Anyway, my point is that people having heart eyes from cuteness is something that has a precedent in the series
Yeah yeah what we can expcect from the word of pedo who love loli and cuteness

I read a book once that pedo always defend a pedo because they feeling attack as well
After look all your post, I know that you have a problem, please go get a therapy before its too late :amazing:

Unless you people believe Gloriosa is zoophilic, then it's been established since pretty much day one that Hancock can get this vulnerable reaction that triggers the petrification with more than just sexual lust.

In my opinion, those CP agents are just reacting to a puppy.
Its.. its not.. its not translated that way
My god
This stupidity 🤣🤣

Did you have talk with a girl lately
Because I think you needed one
A lot actually
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Can we get this dude outta here already? Dude's wished death on oda several times because he doesn't like the manga and now he's calling other users pedos. Fuck off
For what??
Telling a truth?
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